A Roller Coaster Ride

Monday, November 26, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "At Calvary"1 (Lyrics)

Stop the roller coaster! I want to get off.

Since I don't like heights, I've never liked roller coasters. However, one summer at Canada's Wonderland, when our daughter was about six years old, I decided to go on one of the tamer roller coasters. I thought that if my mother was game to try it, then so could I. Up and down, up and down — I screamed the entire time, and my daughter, bless her heart, who was sitting in front of me but was turned around watching me, laughed the entire time. Things were definitely out of control.

My husband and I are now retired, but some days, I feel as if I were back on that roller coaster, and I want to get off.

Sometimes, we can get over-involved and over-committed. Without my daily morning devotional time, I doubt that I would be able to get through my days. I need time alone with God every morning in order to bring order into the chaos of my everyday life. I need to give God control of my life.

Psalm 46:10a – Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV)

Family, church commitments, doctor's appointments, meetings, household chores, garden work — and the list goes on — can make for hectic days and sometimes sleepless nights, thinking about the things that need to be done. As we get older, the days go more quickly, and we move more slowly.

Hebrews 13:5b – God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (NIV)

When we are weak, He is strong.

Joel 3:10b – Let the weak say, "I am strong." (NKJV)

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (NKJV)

Is your life feeling like a roller coaster these days? Ups and downs? Hectic days? If so, spend some time with God. Listen for that still, small voice. Rest in Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, sometimes, our lives can be hectic and we feel as if we're on a roller coaster. Help us to keep our lives centred on You and to find time to spend with You each day. We need You, and when we do spend time with You, we hear Your still, small voice speaking to us, guiding us, and encouraging us to be the people that You want us to be and to do the things that You want us to do. In You, we find our strength. In You, we find our peace. In You, we put our trust. Thank You for Your constant love and faithfulness to us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Dee Renaud <dee.renaud@outlook.com>
Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Amen to that!

    Well said, Dee.

    So true, thank you and God bless!

    A beautiful devotional, Dee, Thank you.

    How true it is Dee. Amen.

    I agree.
    And sure need this reminder today!

    Dee, Thank you for a timely message. I really appreciate it.
    (CA USA)

    Thank you, Dee, for your devotional today. It was exactly what I needed. May
    God bless you and your family.

    Thanks for the reminder about the roller coaster life and how to keep centred on God.
    Being retired isn’t easy … busier than ever!

    Thank you for the daily reminder of being still to hear God’s direction.
    You are so right; life can get extremely busy at times.

    This sentence is so true:
    As we get older, the days go more quickly and we move more slowly.
    Thanks for your encouragement.

    Dear Dee,
    Thank you for the devotional, especially for:
    “If so, spend some time with God. Listen for that still, small voice. Rest in Him.”
    And your prayer to keep us remembering John 3:16.
    Keep writing.

    Hello Dee,
    Thanks for this devotional. It is so amazing and satisfying how soothing it is if we take time out of our hectic days to concentrate on our loving God and reflect on His word. Reading words of scripture is so calming to the soul.
    Blessings to you.

    “Be still and know that I am God”.
    When I read that, my shoulders relaxed, my arms and hands, indeed, my whole body just drank it in.
    This is something I will try to do and say a few times each day to feel His peace.

    Dee, you’re not alone in fear of roller coasters, but I fear being without God’s presence in my life a whole lot more. Weekly church attendance, Daily Devotional reading, prayer, and Bible study top my list of favorite things. I so love being with and interacting with other Christians, especially the Seniors whose lives reflect years of walking with the Lord and encourage younger folk in the midst of the rat race. Thanks for writing this devotional. Blessings.

    Good afternoon Dee. Thank you for this message. It is a wonderful reminder.
    I too am retired. For years I lived with progressive renal failure, until recently when my wife donated a kidney to me. Yes, we were a very strong match. Praise be to God for that.
    Now that I am well once again, I want to do everything. I want to be everywhere and so no to almost nothing. At times I get overwhelmed. When that happens, I clear the agenda for a few days and rest. During that time, I ask the Lord to help me to know where he wants me to focus my energies. Inevitably messages or signs light up my path.
    I so appreciated your message today. With great thanks.

    Thank you, Dee, for your sharing.
    I’ve been retired from the work force and my roller coaster has been picking up speed every year.
    My faith has kept me straight on the path.
    I’m enjoying the work of teaching Sunday School.
    I retired from active Elder’s duties three years ago, but still carry on some of the tasks that has not yet been picked up by others.
    So, in reality, I’m supposed to be just coasting and enjoying the ride that has made my life sparkled with many good memories.
    On the flip-side spending some time with my family and grand-kids has been a blessing that I never imagined.
    Suddenly I now see how my mother saw her last twenty years.
    Bless you for your sharing and enjoy His creation.

    I just read your devotional and really related to it as my parents took me to the CNE and we went on the roller coaster. I was about 8 years old and I NEVER want to go on another roller coaster EVER. I was petrified. I was so glad to see the place where we get off come into view. Phew! I made it. BUT it went around the whole circuit AGAIN! I thought I would die. I wish I had known that God was with me so he could give me calmness and peace.

    Hi Dee,
    Even before I have read half the devotional, I know it’s yours. I recognize your style. That is until today. I was taken by surprise. Maybe you are changing your writing style. Or not. Be that as it may, you always have a heartfelt message.
    Keep up the good work so that we find ourselves continually challenged!

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