The Peacock Strut

Sunday, November 25, 2018
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Listen while you read: "Love Lifted Me"1 (Lyrics)

Ecclesiastes 3:11a – He hath made everything beautiful in his time. (KJV)

Grandma's peacock displayed its fan of majestic colours in the sunshine. Light danced off the crystal-shaped feather fibres and shimmered with iridescent greens and blues. Head held high, strutting around the ranch, he appeared to be above the chickens and turkeys. As designed by God, he displayed his plumage for all to see, doing what comes naturally for a peacock during its season of beauty.

Although people don't have feathers, we have natural beauty, and sometimes, like the peacock, we show off after trying to make ourselves most attractive. I remember letting fashion magazines guide me. I tried the hair, clothing, and makeup trends for years. I primped in the mirror to see if I was "just right".

When I became a Christian, I learned that pleasing God is important, too. He creates an internal beauty in our hearts and minds. Sometimes, we are drawn to glitz and glam, but He requires that we not be as proud as peacocks. My love for glitter has now dimmed, but I still appreciate a faint shimmer of sequins. However, I try to give room for people to see my inside self, before my outside self. That way, the light of Christ's love can shine most brightly. Being confident now that I am just who I was designed to represent, I no longer strut along on display.

God wants us to be humble servants so that Christ's light can be seen in us. Where the peacock was designed to attract attention, our hearts and minds are refined to shine from the inside out to draw others to Christ. In Him, we develop and mature just perfectly for His pleasure and purpose.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that a little fancy is okay, as long as it does not overshadow You, the Creator of all things. Help us to understand that we are most beautiful when the light of Christ shines through us to others. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    A good word, Karen.

    A good one Karen, Thank you.

    Thank you, Karen. A good reminder.

    Thank you, Karen, for sharing this devotional with us today. Yes, may the beauty of Christ Jesus shine through us. Blessings

    Wow, cannot agree with you more. Great devotional and I find peacocks so beautiful with their beautiful colors.
    God Bless.

    Dear Karen,
    Beautiful devotional! Thank you for writing.
    The radiance of the light of Christ is a blessed treasure to see in those around us.
    Blessings to you.

    When I saw you were in California, Karen, I immediately began to pray for you and your situation. Grateful for your faith and understanding today. Yes, accepting inner beauty does help us on our journey with Christ as well as accepting that you and I were each made perfectly by our loving God. Acceptance, in fact, is the answer to all my problems today. Thank you.

    Dear Karen,
    I enjoyed your devotional very much today. The way you tied in the illustration of the peacock’s beauty and prideful like strut to us putting more importance on our outward beauty than the inner beauty of Godliness was a great example. I am enjoying your devotional contributions very much.

    Dear Karen:
    God is so good! I needed to hear (read) your message today and if I am honest, for awhile now.
    Thank you for helping to feel better and know that God made and He loves me no matter how I look. I am not 21 anymore (again, praise the Lord) but even now in my older years, I must remember that God made just fine, thank you.
    This is sent with much gratitude and may our Lord shine His wonderful light on you always and guide you.

    Dear Karen,
    Thank you for your devotional, including, “Help us to understand that we are most beautiful when the light of Christ shines through us to others. Amen.”
    It reminds me of the hymn with the words, “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me” — which also speaks of “compassion and purity.”
    Faith in Jesus always shows right through us.
    Keep writing,

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