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Listen while you read: "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross"1 (Lyrics) |
Sienna, my Yorkshire Terrier, weighing in at just over five pounds, is the smallest of my seven dogs. Being tiny, however, has never stopped her from keeping up with the pack on woodland trails, snowy paths, or anywhere else we might decide to go. She is also a great watchdog, and her bark, rather than being drowned out by the bigger dogs, rises above theirs to be heard loud and clear. She may be the smallest, but she is most certainly not the least, for she shows no timidity.
Sienna's lack of timidity allows her to rise above her size to be a valuable and vital part of the pack, even though she is the smallest. Likewise, God's Spirit within us has the ability to empower each of us, no matter who we are or what our circumstances may be, to be a vital and valuable asset to His kingdom, by means of living transformed lives which emulate the Spirit of Christ.
The apostle Paul, when he wrote to his young protégé, Timothy, reminded him not to let people look down on him because he was young (1 Timothy 4:12), but "to fan into flame the gift of God… . For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:6a,7 NIV)
The gift of God, of which Paul speaks, is the Holy Spirit, Who indwells every believer in Christ. He's the same Holy Spirit Who empowered Jesus' frightened disciples as they were in hiding, to overcome the spirit of timidity, to stand up with courage and confidence on the day of Pentecost, and to proclaim the truth about Christ's death and resurrection in such a way that about three thousand souls came to salvation that day.
Do you suffer from timidity? Is a lack of courage and confidence something you struggle with in your life? I know it has often been a struggle for me. By fanning into flame the gift of God's Spirit within me, however, by means of prayer, praise, and claiming the truth of God's promises by faith, my struggles have been and are being turned into victory. This does not mean that my fear was or is automatically squelched, for it wasn't, and some days it still isn't. Rather, it means that God's power within enabled and continues to enable me to rise above my timidity to be an overcomer in Christ, to have the confidence and courage to act amidst my fears, one day at a time.
Sienna, though the smallest of dogs, is not timid, and neither do we need to be, as we fan into flame the gift of God within us: the Holy Spirit Who is in the business of transforming timidity into confidence and courage.
Prayer: Lord God, remind us today to fan into flame the gift of Your Holy Spirit within, that we may live a life of courage and confidence for You. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.
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Thank-you Lynne.
Thanks so very much Lynne, may you have a good day, blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory! Blessings.
Blessings to you and your family, both furry and human. As always, I thank God for your service and gift of writing to help inspire.
Hello Lynne
Thank you for this reading today. I too have a little one who is not timid at all. She holds her own and then more!!
It is true sometimes we can be timid until we realize who we are in Christ.
Have a blessed Sunday and stay warm.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
I continue to find it difficult to fan the flame.
Your comparisons help me.
Thank you.
Blessings to you.
Lynne, You’ve given me a new appreciation for those little “yappy” dogs. Sienna helps me grasp the bold confidence expressed in Psalm 27.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? ”
Thank you for sharing your life experiences, Lynne. Your words are always so helpful, and I am sure this personal story will touch many including me as I set out for Sunday School this morning and plan for my young people’s group tomorrow night. It reminds me to call on the Holy Spirit more often as I try to think of ways to help my students develop a closer relationship with God. May God continue to bless you every day!
Morning Lynne, I always love your analogies between us and our Maker. It’s easy to relate when you have dogs. Our little man is on his last legs; (or maybe not). He’s deaf, and little bumps here and there on his body; but, he goes out and lets all that’s out there in the great, know he’s out there and means business. Barking as loud as he can to let everyone, or thing out there, know it’s his domain to protect. Ten pounds of protection, good thing the Lord knows all about us.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend….and as always Lynne, thanks for the great morning read.
Good morning, Lynne,
I love the gift that God gave to you and you share with others. So many times I have seen the small dogs announcing that they are there in a powerful way. However, I would not be able to write a powerful devotional from that occurrence. I do know the timidity feelings and am grateful that with God’s help and growing older, I understand it and work towards not letting it stop me from sharing my faith with others or my knowledge in other ways which might help someone else. Thank you for sharing everyday happenings which strength our faith. Blessings.
Dear Lynne,
Many thanks for your delightful and very encouraging devotional today. That little Sienna sounds like a very “high powered” member of your pet family who shows no timidity. You always present a great analogy in your writings and today I was inspired by your words of “fanning into flame the gift of the Holy Spirit”. Yes, there sure are times when we face struggles but when we take time and seek our loving Saviour, He definitely gives us that gift to overcome our fears and timidity. He certainly is ever deserving of our praise and thankfulness. Blessings for these very special writings you prepare and give that little Sienna an extra hug today.
The Holy Spirit enables us to make difficult decisions in our lives, yes but the daily presence of God brings comfort and hope.