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Luke 15:20 – And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. (ESV)
Recently, I went for a walk in the park with my wife, Caroline, and I fell over. This left me with significant injury, but not enough to go to hospital where I would be told nothing was broken except my pride! So, my body is not as young and indestructible as it once was, and it seems I have taken that capacity for granted.
Having asked for prayer from our church prayer groups, there was nothing else I could do but sit still in a chair watching the television and praying that I would heal quickly.
Now, I am still in recovery, but better; once more designated to be the children's taxi service, and Caroline has gone off to work to have her thoughts directed elsewhere.
Previous experience tells me that when we have a significant crisis, our thought horizon collapses from the things to do, to just wondering how to get through the day free from pain. Perhaps, as I lay on the ground stunned and surprised, this was a prompt for me to realise just how serious this incident could have been, as I found my body could not jump back up to my feet.
I wondered: had God allowed this accident? Was I guilty of something to deserve this imposition? Probably lots of things! But God is not like that; He is greater than our limited, deterministic vision. He does not deride the foolish but waits for us to come to our senses. The evil one is the being who seeks to harm and ridicule, and to promote and amplify our fear and doubt. He it is who presses in on our own internal sense of inadequacy or human weakness. Life happens in a fallen world.
So now, I thank God for His grace in my recovery as He answered the prayers prayed for me with healing, as I sit motionless watching television. I know that one day in a future crisis, healing will not happen. It will be a predicament from which I will not get up, and it will be time to go.
Today as I get better, I am thankful that apart from the injury to my pride, I have nothing to fear from Jesus. Even when I have been a long way off, I have been prompted to seek His face. Jesus meets us where we are, at our point of crisis, to bring His love, affirmation, peace, and guidance — a voice to deliver us from the whispers of evil.
Being accepted and a part of the family of Jesus is a wonderful mystery for us to trust.
Prayer: Lord, we give You thanks and praise for Your faithfulness, that in our times of crisis You are waiting. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Thank you for sending the greatest hymn ever written this morning.
Great is Thy faithfulness.
Thanks for your message reminding us of God’s love Rod, may you continue to heal well. God bless!
Sorry for your fall. I pray for speedy recovery. Enjoy you sharing they are always uplifting. Many blessings to you and family.
Prayed for a speedy recovery.
Enjoyed your devotionals.
Blessings to you and yours.
Rod, your words spoke to me today as I’ve been living with severe pain with neuropathy.
Thank you so much as I continue to seek HIS face.
Good morning, Roderick.
Sorry to hear about the fall.
Thank God he is there with us!!
God bless.
Dear Rod,
Thank you for your devotional today. I do hope that you are healing well. May God in His infinite mercy continue to strengthen you as you heal from your fall.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
The fall … Sit still.
Life happens.
God is good.
All the time.
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate the reminder that it is Satan who seeks to harm and cause doubt. I thank God that He is there to help us adjust to the limitations aging brings. That He will always be there.
Good to hear that you are healing and able to move forward.
I can identify! The day before Christmas I started to get a cold. As of today, I have 4 weeks with illness as well as fatigue. Not the first time a virus has taken a serious round out of me but… everywhere I see what needs to be done and not getting done. My jobs. My husband pitches in but he has his own stuff to do.
Mostly lay on the couch with the Fireplace on or the tv. Always good memories. But now the flames dancing aggravates the vertigo so … the motors running but the body and brain are not up to much. God is always here though. And I am comforted. This too shall pass. My He give us grace for these days!
Oh Rod, how God grabs our attention when we didn’t even know we had drifted off into self absorption! Like Adam and Eve in the verdant garden, God’s voice calls us back to Him as He call to us, “Where are you?”
Stepping back into His Presence , we hang our heads in shame, admit our guilt, and accept His forgiving love. We may have wandered far away, but no matter how far the distance, He still finds we prodigal sons and daughters and meets us before we are even halfway home. Gotta love Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal son and Loving Father! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. Blessings.
Thank you for this devotional.
Very timely indeed.
Hi Rod, Thanks for your Devotional, I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more of your writings.
Thankful you’re doing better, the power of pray is amazing.
Blessings to you and your family.
Take care,
(Ontario, Canada)
Oh, my, Rod, can I relate to this! and thanks for this: Jesus meets us where we are, at our point of crisis, to bring His love, affirmation, peace, and guidance – a voice to deliver us from the whispers of evil.