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Jeremiah 29:11a – For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil. (AMPC)
The sound of the violent wind roaring around the house was terrifying. As I peered nervously out into my backyard, I could see the wildly swinging branches of the trees tearing at my eavestrough as they whipped back and forth along the edge of the roof. I could see large pieces of debris flying across the yard and hear them crashing up against the walls of the house: pails, lawn chairs, lawn umbrellas, and even a small table. I felt totally frozen with fear, expecting at any moment to see a broken branch or something else come smashing through my large back window. I quickly moved away from the window, just in case. Then, the rain came, adding its pounding ferocity to the howling wind.
In that moment, God quietly spoke into my throbbing heart and whispered the gentle words of a chorus that I had learned many years ago:
- He knows, He knows,
The storms that would my way oppose;
He knows, He knows,
And tempers every wind that blows.
In that same instant, the roaring stopped. There wasn't a whisper, except for the sound of huge, splattering rain drops.
As I stared out at the clutter left in my yard, my eyes rested upon a huge stump. A week before, the large tree, which had provided me with privacy and shade over the many years that I had lived here, had been cut down because it had died. I felt very sad about this loss, and hoped to put it off as long as I could. However, when I put in the work order, I was astonished to see the workers arrive the following day to remove my beloved tree.
Then, I began to see God's hand in the wisdom and timeliness of that act. Had it not been cut down right away, it would very likely have come crashing down onto my house because of the force of the powerful wind. One thought stood out in my mind: God knew. God knew, and He not only led me to arrange for the tree's removal, but He also led the workers to come as quickly as possible. I am so grateful that I listened and obeyed that sense of urgency, rather than putting it off, as I am so prone to do.
From the Lord's comforting words, I realized that this truth applies to every area of every believer's life. Instead of bemoaning our losses, we need to thank our Lord in every circumstance. We may not yet realize His part in saving us from what might have turned out to be a much more serious problem. We need to praise Him that He knows every little thing about us and that He plans for us in love, because He cares.
Prayer: All-knowing and all-loving Father, thank You for speaking Your guidance into our hearts. Thank You for Your Word that always confirms Your leading. Thank You for the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit. May we be continually amazed at Your timeliness as You lead us day by day. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Amen, Sharon.
Amen Sharon, thanks for a good word today.
Thanks for the reminder! Sometimes we forget.
A God-instance indeed! Great message, Sharon, thank you.
Thank you for today’s message. Your inspired thoughts are always so appreciated.
Thank you, Sharon, I am sure your story comforted many who have experienced all the strong winds this Fall. God bless!
Oh Sharon, this encouraging devotional is one more thing that God brought from that awful storm and the loss of your beloved tree. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Ah yes, God’s perfect timing. Sometimes He allows us to see that and sometimes we will find out much later. Trusting in His ever-present guidance is so important.
Thanks, Sharon. That’s my favorite scripture. Yesterday, in a Bible study, we were talking about this very idea, that we can look back and see situations just as you described.
Thank you, Sharon, a beautiful devotional, and a good message for us to remember any time.
Dear Sharon,
Our God Truly is Marvelous!!!
Bless you for your devotional today, and I am so glad you were safe.
Thank you so much Sharon. Your devotional was exactly what I needed to hear. I felt like God was talking to me through the words you have written. Thank you very much.
May God richly bless you and your family and the entire daily devotional team.
Thank you for your wise words. When I stop listening to God for his will in my life, that’s when my troubles start. I need to listen to God, minute by minute. What do I need to do next?
Sharon – your devotional today was so very appropriate. I don’t know how many times in the past week, I have thought exactly what you articulated “God knows”. He knows and through his knowledge, he has protected me. Sometimes, even the annoyances… being late… are part of His strategy to keep us safe. God Bless your continued writing.
O Sharon, I so needed to hear these welcome words today. Like your inspired tree image, yesterday someone reminded me that, ‘Strong roots grow in the dark,’ which is where I have been with a bout of sickness, a time when holding on to faith is not easy. Thank you for a well-told story that is really memorable and your wonderfully simple title, ‘He Knows!’
Sharon Greer: I always am blessed by your devotions: I suspect it has something to do with our vintage: To see the hand of God in hind sight, always strengthens our hope for the future.
Thank you, Sharon, for being strong and steadfast in your witness, it always encourages me as I live alone in my “Senior Years”. Sheltered in God’s Love.
Hi Sharon
This is a great devotional, one to remember when we have ‘storms’ that cause us to fear or have anxieties. I too am thankful you went ahead and took care of that tree when you did. God is faithful.
God bless.
Hello Sharon,
Thanks for this devotional and thankful that you were kept safe through that storm. Our Lord is awesome, ever surrounding us with His loving care as He knows ahead what direction or instruction we need.
I know if I don’t listen to what I call Divine intuition, trouble results.
You have reminded us why we must never ignore “the still small voice.”
Thank you.