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When I took Denver, our youngest puppy, up to the veterinarian for his final vaccinations, it was an extremely cold and bitter day. As I had several hours of errands to complete while I was in the city, I decided to board Denver at the clinic until I was finished. That way, he would not have to be left alone in the vehicle on such a frigid day. As this was the first time that I had ever left him, he did not go with the attendant easily. He planted his feet and strained back on the leash. I could see his fear of being left, but I knew that I was coming back, and this would be a good lesson for him to learn regarding trust.
Upon my arrival back at the clinic several hours later, Denver greeted me with unbounded enthusiasm. I had returned. I could be counted on.
Sometimes, I feel that God has left me, too, or at least forgotten me. I feel set aside. Nothing much is happening spiritually. Life just goes on from day to day, and everything is simply quiet. I am not hearing from God. When I pray, I don't sense His presence. The seeds that I am sowing don't seem to be taking root or growing. Life just becomes very ho-hum. The waiting sometimes seems intolerable. At such times, I have learned not to give in to my feelings. God can be counted on. I will once again experience His presence in tangible ways. The work that He has called me to do will begin to sprout and grow. He knows exactly where I am, and He has left me where I am for a reason — and I can be assured that it is for a good reason, as God always knows what He is about.
Are you feeling forgotten or neglected or abandoned by God today? If so, I urge you not to give in to your feelings. We cannot build our lives upon feelings, for they are unstable and ever-changing. Instead, choose to stand upon fact. And the fact is that God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5b NIV)
Prayer: Father God, thank You that You can be counted on in all situations at all times in all places. Help us to continue to grow in trust, that our fickle feelings may give way to the fact and strength of Your truth. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.
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Well said, Lynne.
Wonderful thoughts Lynne. Thanks.
A very timely reminder. Thank you so much.
Thanks for your important message, Lynne. Blessings!
Thanks for this.
Am feeling nervous, just asked Him to take over.
Many thanks for the reassuring words. It is exactly what I needed to hear today!!
Thank you for a very down to earth inspiring devotional. Having a new year-old puppy, I can relate to this and the importance of trust.
Today’s lesson really inspired me. It actually spoke to me.
Keep up the good work.
God bless.
Very good lesson, Lynne. Yes, God is always there whether we “feel” His presence or not. Thank you for your writing.
Dear Lynne,
Your devotional today was not only meaningful but also so well written that all I can add to it is a Hearty Amen! Thank you!!!
Lynne, very inspirational and just what I needed on another cold and rainy day. When I think about it we need the rain. I have to think and remember how important is that nature gets fed and that I feed myself on God’s Word. Your devotionals always have a good point and your work is sprouting.
Greetings Lynne,
Thank you for your writings this morning. Reassuring words that the Lord is always with us and has the best things in store for us even though we may not feel that at times.
Thanks Lynne, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Your example of God’s faithfulness spoke to me. I’ve had many canine companions over the years and am totally bonded with the one currently living with me. Isn’t it interesting that the letters g o d when reversed are d o g! Both are so very faithful. Not implying equivalency, however. God’s the Ultimate Faithful One! Blessings.
Hello Lynne
This is so true and it does happen. I know for me it has and I sit back and wonder for a bit if I am missing something or not doing something I should be but as I wait on Him, it helps refresh me as I am not so busy doing things and then I am good to go again.
God bless.
O How this DOES work for me, Lynne. I love it, of course, whenever there is a dog (most loving of God’s creatures), in a devotional and usually I know right then that it will be one of yours, all of which help me immensely. There is a slogan that relates: ‘Feelings are NOT facts!” and another that says: ‘Things are going as they should, whether or not they are going the way I want.’ I can just see Denver’s tail wagging as he sees you coming in the door.
Dear Lynne,
I have received PresbyCan daily for many years and obviously recognize your name from other Devotionals which you have .
I just wanted to say Thank You for your devotional today. If it was meant for one reader only then I am that reader!
Thank you for your honesty in admitting to your feelings. Sadly, I have had all of your similar feelings for too long but thought that not many people felt the same way, especially someone like you Lynne, who writes so often for PresbyCan.
God was speaking directly to me when I read your Devotional as I have felt so like your puppy being left behind!
Your Devotional is confirming that I should exercise my faith by trusting more in the God who loves me and has good plans for me and my family.
May God continue to bless you and show those blessings in your life in tangible ways.
(Northern Ireland)
Your sharing was very helpful as I am going a tough time. Thank you for the encouragement.
Good morning Lynn, we are somewhat the same, we have animals and are fiercely independent. I’ve been reading PD for many years. I’ve watched the writers move into care homes or family homes.
You’ve given me advice when I was having a situation with my horse. I have always felt much younger then the writers, since the things I do are active.
God is always with me. He will always be my source.
Thank you for the many devotionals you have shared.