Connection Points

Monday, February 3, 2025
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Take My Life And Let It Be"1 (Lyrics)

"I need a book of stamps," she said, and I knew why. She needed to make connection points.

For as long as I can remember, Mom has used postage stamps — for one, to mail bill payments. She is and has been a snail-mailer. She doesn't like automated withdrawals from her account — although, on occasion, she has no choice. When one or more of her creditors were local — and she could drive — she did the old-school thing: she went to the place of business and made the payment in person. But that's not the main reason Mom needed so many stamps.

For as long as I can remember, Mom has used stamps for a more important reason. She loves to keep up with people's birthdays and anniversaries, mainly for family members, but also fellow church members and other acquaintances. She dotted her calendar with their names so she wouldn't forget to mail them a card.

But not just a card. She carefully selected one that said what she wanted to say, but often, she added remarks at the bottom before she signed her name. If she knew the person well — or if they faced some challenging situation — she might fill the entire left side of the card with words, making the card a letter.

I suppose my wife and I never knew how many stamps Mom used until she and my stepdad both contracted dementia and could no longer drive. Then, it became our job to purchase the stamps for them. Eventually, Mom cut down on the number of cards she sent. Her hands became weak and shook so much that it pained her to write, making her writing almost illegible.

Cards were Mom's connection points with others. She never received anywhere close to as many cards from others as she sent. Sometimes, she complained that no one remembered her, but she didn't send to receive. Sending cards was one way she showed love and kindness.

Colossians 3:12 – Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (NLT)

I think Paul would have agreed with Mom's practice of sending cards. As a child of God, she was responsible for showing mercy and kindness — as we all are — and this was one way she did so.

I never met anyone who said, "Tell your mom to quit sending me cards." Similarly, I've never encountered anyone who said, "Tell your wife to stop making and passing out hard candy." Connection points.

God wants us to live out and spread His love and mercy to others. He wants us to be channels and connection points. He'll provide the opportunities if we just open our eyes to see them.

Let us each think of ways to establish connection points of God's love with others.

Prayer: Father, guide us to make connection points of Your love to others. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great admonition.

    Thank you for the reminder, Martin.

    Aha Martin. I sound like your Mother!
    Thanks for this devotional.

    Thanks Martin, what a thoughtful, caring Mom, blessings to you and your family. Do enjoy this beautiful day. Blessings.

    I especially appreciate the closing prayer. It’s a relief to know we can trust God to organize and guide our connections with others.

    Thank you, Martin. Your mom must be a very special lady. I remember when my husband died, I received many sympathy cards, and it helped a great deal.

    Although I online bank and don’t have dementia, sending cards and letters has been my lifelong habit. Imagine my distress with the postal strike making Christmas cards out of the question. I love to get a real card, set it on the table, see it every day multiple times, think of the person who sent it. A joy to me as it was for your mother!

    Good morning, Martin,
    I am like your mom and love snail mail. Sending and receiving. I like to physically touch them and keep them to relook at and re-enjoy. I also like connection points like you and all the other devotional writers do so well to connect others with God’s love. Blessings.

    Thank you for today’s devotional, very timely as are all those you write, Martin.
    Like your mother, my preference is not to do electronic banking, and to send cards for
    special occasions, especially Christmas, when I send around 90 to relatives and friends in Europe, the UK, and the U.S., to keep connected, to let them know I/we care, which in today’s tumultuous situation, is MOST important.
    Keep well and Safe in His care.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    Connection points.
    My church family had birthday wishes and cake for my 90th birthday.
    Early, It is only my 89th.
    So I have an early daily connection of well wishes for a year.
    Thank you for writing this devotional.

    Dear Martin,
    Your mother sounds so much like my mother. My mother wrote out all her cheques and took them directly to the bank to pay her bills large or small every month. When I suggested differently, she answered “no, I like going to the bank”. Writing cheques for her tithes would be made out weeks in advance and placed in individual envelopes for the dates shown thereon and ready to be picked up and slipped into her handbag on Sunday mornings before her community bus trip to Church. I presume the way they did things gave them much pleasure.

    Thank you, Martin, for your devotional today and sharing the beautiful story of your Mom’s card sending. It is exactly something that I do and have done over many years. Just recently when our Canadian Postal system was on strike, I was very frustrated because I couldn’t mail cards to those I’ve always remembered on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Thankfully, I was able to make phone connections with some of the folks and express my care for them. Thankfully too, we can always have our connection with our loving Saviour as He is ever available to hear our prayers, and He is so deserving of our faithful praise. Many blessings for these very special writings you prepare.

    I love this. I’m inspired to send more cards. Bless you.

    A very good one thanks for sharing.

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