Do They Know How Much They Matter?

Monday, November 12, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Old Rugged Cross"1 (Lyrics)

In 1894, the United States mint in San Francisco made twenty-four coins. That's not many.

The superintendent, John Dagget, knew how valuable that they would be some day. So, he gave three of the dimes to his daughter, Hallie. "Hold on to these, my dear," he said, "and they'll be worth much more than ten cents someday."

Hallie skipped home. But on the way, she stopped in for some ice cream — and used one of the dimes that her father had just given her.

In 1981, one of the 1894 coins surfaced. It sold for $34,100! Little Hallie didn't realize the value of what she had been given.

Do you?

The people in our lives are sacred gifts from God. They might not seem like much. After all, they get bad breath, speeding tickets, and mediocre work evaluations just like everybody else. Like a dime in a pile of dimes, nothing appears to make them stand out.

But they have a value beyond anything that we can ever imagine.

James 1:17a – Every good and perfect gift is from above. (NIV)

The people around us are gifts from God. And they enrich our lives beyond anything we can ever imagine.

So today, it's simple: not squandering the amazing gifts that God has placed in our lives. Let's make sure that someone who matters to God knows how much they matter to us.

Prayer: Lord, help us to realize the value of the people that You have placed in our lives, and help us to express our appreciation in a way that honours You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Matthew Ruttan <>
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks, Matthew, a good reminder.

    Thanks for a beautiful devotional, Matthew.

    What a great analogy Mathew. I for sure get it! Thank you.

    Good devotional this morning Matthew, one I am going to heed. Thank you and God Bless.

    Awesome devotional. May we always remember that each person is a child of God, who created us so very different, like each snowflake that is so delicate, yet not one is alike.

    Yes, Matthew, God values and loves people, but hates sin because it separates Him from us. So, He fixed that on Calvary. All we need to do is believe it! Thanks for writing. Blessings.

    Thank you, Matthew, for a wonderful devotional.
    May the LORD bless you in your ministry at Westminster as well as in your devotional “Up” which we also enjoy.

    You are so right Matthew. People the Lord places in our daily lives do matter. Thanks for sending this devotion. A good read.
    Blessings on your day today.

    Hello Matthew,
    Many thanks for another special devotional. A good reminder to us to let the people in our lives know how much they mean to us. The Lord certainly gives us precious gifts in our life.

    Hi Matthew.
    Thank you so much for reevaluating how much we should value family.
    Families tend to decrease and connection also decreases. What a
    Shame for us to lose that wonderful connection that God has created.

    Good morning Matthew, thanks for the reminder of how valuable people in our lives re.
    I have a wonderful husband, children, grandchildren and many other friends Christian and non.
    It is so easy to take them all for granted.
    Blessed day to you.

    Dear Matthew,
    This devotion took my breath away. Beautifully and thoughtfully written. I will remember from this devotion to see the precious gift I have in each person who is in my life. What a wonderful place this earth would be, should we each see the exquisiteness in each family member or friend or neighbor, to the glory of God.

    Dear Matthew Ruttan,
    Thank you for your devotional ending in your prayer.
    People are so very valuable to God in that he gave his only Son to die on a cross to keep all who believe in him alive for all eternity.
    May we love as He loves us, especially in His Son.

    Thank you Matthew So true and we are so richly blessed.

    Totally agree Beautifully put.

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