Brass Knuckles And Velvet

Saturday, November 10, 2018
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2 Corinthians 10:4 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. (KJV)

My grandfather served as a US Army foot soldier during World War I in France in 1917. During that time, he used a weapon called brass knuckles. He used them in hand-to-hand combat, to defend himself while in foxholes and trenches. When he passed on, my grandmother gave them to me. Not knowing what to do with them, but honoured to have an item that was so important to Grandpa, I wrapped the metal piece in a swatch of deep blue velvet, and placed it in my bottom sewing machine cabinet drawer. Now, 50 years later, I remove the weapon of war from its bed of luxurious, but durable and strong cloth, to look at it from another perspective.

According to Scripture, there are earthly and spiritual battles. The spiritual battle is one where Satan is in revolt against Christ for the minds of Christians. Only the Lord's power can fight and win this battle. In contrast, Grandpa fought in a battle that emerged from a particular worldview, and he needed physical weapons to fight for his life.

The Christian needs the instruction of the Lord. We don't need brass knuckles to defend ourselves in spiritual warfare, as we have God's Word and His invisible, mighty armies of holiness, fighting our battles for us. Our weapons are not of this world, but from the mighty power of God, to His glory. The divine power of God is both fierce and lovely, like the velvet that blankets my grandfather's World War I weapon.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for the spiritual protection that You provide us. We are grateful that we can be confident, knowing that our salvation is secure and that Your heavenly armies are constantly fighting spiritual battles on our behalf, as You hold Your people in the strong velvet glove of Your love and care. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you, Karen, it is indeed a battle.

    Wonderful analogy, Karen. Thanks for sharing.

    A lovely devotion today Karen. Thanks for sharing your story. Yes, velvet covered weapons!
    (Ontario. Canada)

    When I was growing up, they were popular with youth street gangs.
    I never knew solders used them.
    Thanks for the insights you have shared.

    Hi Karen,
    Wonderful devotion this morning, what a wonderful keepsake from your grandfather.
    Thank you for writing.

    Good morning Karen,
    I appreciated your devotional this morning and how you compared the softness of velvet to the divine and loving words of Jesus.

    Dear Karen:
    Thank you for your beautiful devotional. The words you wrote are so true.
    I want to extend to you my heartfelt sorrow to you and all Californians for the terrible things that have happened to your residents in the last few days. May God bless you all with His comfort and His loving arms around you all.

    Thank you Karen for sharing this devotional with us. Blessings.

    Dear Karen,
    Thank you for the touching reminders of the memoirs of war.
    May God grant the world peace through the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins and the sins of all mankind. We pray, “Please God give us peace and love in passing on the joy of your salvation.

    You hold Your people in the strong velvet glove of Your love and care. Amen.
    Thank you for emphasizing the peaceful side of life.

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