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How Do I Register For Podcasts?

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If you don't have iTunes installed, follow these directions:

  1. Download software for Apple's iTunes, Juice, or any other podcasting program.
    The podcasting program will automatically locate and download the latest editions of the PresbyCan Daily Devotional podcast onto your computer, and then synchronize with your iPod or MP3 player.
  2. With your mouse, left-click and drag over the following URL to highlight it, and click on the "Copy" icon in your browser's menu bar.
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What is a Feed Reader?

A feed reader automatically checks for updates on websites that the user chooses. The content from many different websites is gathered into one place for easy reading by the user, saving the time that the user would spend visiting all the different websites involved. Feed readers with podcasting capabilities are also able to download media files and automatically load them onto media players like iPods.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is an audio broadcast streamed across the Internet for users to download onto their computers and portable audio devices.

Subscribing to a specific podcast "feed" enables a user to automatically update their computer with the latest edition of a particular audio broadcast, known as a podcast "channel."

The word podcast combines the words "iPod" (Apple's popular portable MP3 device) and "broadcast" to describe the ability for anybody — from independent producers to large media corporations — to create audio broadcasts to share online.

What PresbyCan Daily Devotional Podcasts Are Available Today?

  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Monday, December 9, 2024: All Little People Welcome by Kerri Cramer-Creel (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Sunday, December 8, 2024: An Advent Sunday by Ruth Burkholder (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Saturday, December 7, 2024: Not What We Expected by Rod Marshall (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Friday, December 6, 2024: The Intention by Lynne Phipps (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Thursday, December 5, 2024: What Shall I Give Him by Mary Daniel (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Wednesday, December 4, 2024: Not One Of Them Is Missing by Jeanie Nihiser (listen now)
  • PresbyCan Daily Devotional for Tuesday, December 3, 2024: The Advent Jar by Ruth McCowan (listen now)

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Thanks Ruth, blessings.

    Christmas celebrates God’s gift, Jesus our Saviour. It also celebrates love and fellowship with family, friends, community.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with today again.
    Blessings on your Christmas season. In Christ’s name.

    Good Morning Ruth.
    Nice to see your devotional again.
    Trust you are keeping well.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    Memories in a jar.
    To remind us what advent is all about

    Good morning, Ruth
    That is so true, God first and we are blessed! Love the Advent jar!!
    God bless.

    Hi Ruth,
    Just read your post on the Presbyterian Devotional page. What a lovely idea! I think the Advent Jar could be a useful tool all year long.
    Thank you.

    Hi Ruth,
    What a cool thing to do!!
    Is it the deac coming out of you?
    I was *just* remembering a banner I made. I used onion red mesh as a heart.

    Thank you, Ruth, for your “past written” devotional today. It was interesting to read about the tradition of the “Advent jar” and its special meaning in your family. Truly Advent season brings to mind special meanings and memories in our lives and most importantly our love and reverence of our Saviour. Blessings for writing.

    Good morning, Ruth,
    This is a new concept that I have not heard of before. A visual reminder of remembering what to do at Advent – the things that are important to our faith and remembering that Jesus came to save us and give us hope. Thank you for sharing a tradition of your family and the reminder that traditions are important. Blessings.

    Hello Ruth!
    I loved your example about the Advent Jar. So true!
    We had a beautiful lead into Advent on Saturday morning, November 30 at Church for ladies, called “Refresh”. Our “half time pastor” was leading the service at her other half time ministry down the road.
    The Pastor left the white Christ candle out of the advent wreath on purpose, telling us that Christians and unbelievers get so caught up in their business and their understanding of Christmas, that Christ, the Messiah, the Emmanuel, is left out! God’s greatest gift has to be in the centre of our lives to experience all the other wonderful gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love!
    God bless you and family in BC.
    Merry Christmas!

    Thank you, Ruth, for this interesting practice. It sounds simple, yet is a visible reminder of what’s important.

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