A Promise Kept

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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Listen while you read: "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"1 (Lyrics)

A Revisited Devotional from January 12, 1998

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. (NRSV)

I was just about to sink into the relaxed quiet at the end of a busy day when the telephone rang. It was a nurse calling from the local nursing home. She explained that one of the residents was near death and that her family was asking for a minister to come and pray with them. Off I went.

The woman lay on a bed in the semi-darkness of her room. Eyes closed, her frail chest rose and fell with each dry, raspy breath. In the encircling shadows, an upholstered chair, a wooden table, a small television, and an assortment of photographs and cards served as silent reminders of 82 years on this planet.

On one side of the bed stood the daughter, lovingly holding her mother's hand. On the other side stood the son, periodically stroking his mother's white, wispy hair. For a few minutes, we chatted about their mother's life and of her approaching death. Then, forming a ring of held hands, I offered a quiet prayer.

Immediately, spontaneously, both son and daughter literally breathed a sigh of relief and could not tell me enough how they felt a calming peace in the room and in their hearts. I was actually taken aback by the extravagance of their gratitude. I assured them that whatever peace they felt was the spirit of Christ at work in them.

Within a few hours the old woman died — peacefully. Two days later, I conducted a memorial service attended by six family members and one close friend.

Though having confessed that they had drifted from the church, this family reached out to God in a moment of fear and sorrow. And they were blessed with peace.

Prayer: God of peace, our days are often afflicted by fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and stress. Help us to reach out to You in prayer. Help us to be open to the loving support of those You place in our lives. Touch us with promised peace that is beyond human comprehension. In the name of our Saviour, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Donald Muir <themuirs@sympatico.ca>
Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Awe-inspiring moments in ministry! Keeps us doing what we do!

    Thank you for writing this devotional.

    Thanks Donald, how nice you were there for them to reach out to, blessings to you and your family.

    What a wonderful lesson… it’s never too late!
    Bless you for this,

    What a beautiful devotional this morning. What a blessing you have been to so many over the years. I so remember your loving gentle spirit while you ministered to us.
    Thank you again for reaching out.

    Dear Mr. Muir,
    What an uplifting, heartwarming story, that you were able to be there for those adult children and be the conduit of Grace for that family in their hour of need. Thank you for sharing that.
    Every warm wish to you and all your loved ones.

    Good morning, Donald,
    Such a beautiful message of peace, which a lot of us in Canada need at this moment even though your message was written many years ago. The approach of death is a very stressful time even when we know it is coming. Being there for others is so important and you were able to help – a blessing. Thanks for sharing this story. I teared up as I read it. Blessings.

    Thank you, Donald, for your heart-warming devotional. Although you presented it several years ago, your message is still very important today. We never know what situations might arise in our day and we must be ever thankful for the peace and relief we receive when we take time to pray. When you responded to that call for a minister to attend to that family and joined hands in prayer with them it gave them the peace and support they needed.

    Hi again Don. Your devotion reminds me of the deepest joys and blessings of congregational ministry. Thanks for sharing …. and reshaping. Blessings on your retirement.

    Thank you for sharing. It brings to mind heartwarming experiences I’ve had working as an RN in hospitals and communities. Our Lord is ever present, willing and able to embrace us with love, compassion, comfort, and peace.

    Thank you for sharing this tender moment in this devotional. It’s a wonderful reminder. Blessings.

    I had a similar experience. I held my mother’s hand, repeated the Lord’s prayer as she squeezed my hand. She died that night at peace with God and her family.

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