When God Calls For Our "Isaac"

Friday, April 19, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Praise Him All Ye Little Children"1 (Lyrics)

I recently applied for work at an established university with fully equipped facilities and less workload, yet with a higher salary — my dream institution! Who wouldn't look forward to getting hired soon? When I was invited for an interview and a teaching demonstration, I was amazed at their warm reception and positive feedback. They operate with three semesters each year, and they offered me the position starting right away.

However, I was bewildered because I am still currently employed under a contract that ends this June. I know that with the compensation that I would receive from the new employer, I could easily pay the penalty for my breach of contract. But I also know that it is not just about money, but my commitment to stay until June. I do not know whether there will still be an opening after my contract ends. For a while, I thought that God was provoking me. In my mind, I almost asked, Seriously, God? You know how much I want to be at this dream institution. You made this arrangement, and then, what's next? Will You make me decline this dream that I earnestly prayed for?

Then, I was led to the story of Abraham.

Genesis 22:1-2 – Some time later God tested Abraham. … "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." (NIV)

Abraham did not say a word of protest or refusal. He just followed. He didn't know what God's mind was, but he knew that God loved him. In the end, God provided a ram for the sacrifice. So, the position offered to me has become my "Isaac", and I am turning it down because I have a commitment and obligations to fulfill. I will have to wait and see what God will provide instead.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV)

God wants us not to lean on our own understanding. He does not call us to sacrifice what we love because He wants to hurt us. He does that for us to be reminded that we should not love anything more than we love Him. The reward will be most fulfilling, because it assures us not only of our future, but also of our eternal glory in Christ.

What has been, or is now, your "Isaac" — a person, possession, or anything that you value so much that you just can't afford to let it go, but God is asking you to do so?

Prayer: Dear Lord, there are so many things that we just can't understand. Teach our hearts to choose You always, as it is a decision that we will never regret. You are the all-knowing God Who directs us toward a future of hope. Help us not to settle on our dreams, but to surrender them to You, for victory will always be ours when we have You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivy Domingo <domingoivy25@gmail.com>
Laguna, Philippines

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Ivy.

    Thank you for the message today.

    Thanks, Ivy, for the encouraging words.

    Thank you, Ivy. This was powerful. Shalom.

    Thank you, Ivy, for this testimony, and your willingness to do what is right.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. May God
    reward your faithfulness! Blessings.

    Good morning, Ivy,
    Thank you for your good words this morning.

    Thank you, Ivy, I like your devotion very much.

    Thank you for sharing such a good story about your dedication and your dedication to our God.
    In Christ our Lord.

    Excellent devotional. Thanks, Ivy, it’s not just “an experience” but real growth in trust in Him that counts. You’ll see!
    You have blessed me, and many others.
    (BC Canada)

    Dear Lord, I pray you would bless Ivy exceedingly, abundantly, above all that she could ask or think as she has placed her trust and faith solely in You. Amen.
    Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV

    WOW, Ivy, what an amazing story. Somehow, I am praying that the “perfect” institution will recognize what a valuable asset you would be. Thank you for sharing your story and the reason for your conclusion.

    Dear Ivy,
    Your writing this morning came at God’s time for me as I am struggling with a situation of hanging on to hope while giving up some things.
    Thank you for causing me to see it more clearly.

    Good morning, Ivy,
    Wow! I am excited for you!!! As I read your words seriously God? That scripture came to me and then I read the scripture.
    What came to mind is your decision to stay shows integrity and should mean a lot with the other university to wait for you. Jesus characteristic instead of a worldly characteristic! God will provide, look what he did in that scripture verse!!! June is not far off, get ready for something amazing!!!

    Hi Ivy,
    Your devotionals truly moved me this morning. I do not know what I would do if I was in this situation. Your analogy with Abraham’s response is thought provoking. I would be praying for God to guide me on how to move forward. I think I would discuss the situation with my employer and also see what the possibility of them holding a spot for me when I fulfilled my obligation. Knowing these answers and with God’s guidance I would make the decision that honours who I am.
    Thank you for sharing and helping me to think through how I respond in not such a major decision, but with all decisions around what God wants from me. Blessings.

    Oh Ivy, what a decision you had to make … and you followed the Lord’s ways. Praise God, and may your future be blessed. Ontario a much smaller scale, I just had the same experience. There was an Airbnb that suited our purpose very well, but I had many troubles trying to reserve it. Very frustrating! When I finally succeeded, the response was that I was declined. I protested and was told that someone else had jumped through all the hoops faster than I had! I experienced many emotions but thankfully ended up handing it to the Lord and bringing myself back to the point of trusting the Lord to look after our needs (we’re both in our 80s and we SO want to be at our granddaughter’s wedding!). Almost immediately after I had brought myself under control (God’s care, that is) I received another reply from the Airbnb person saying that she was so sorry, but the unit right next door should be ready in a couple of weeks. She even kept all my info. and will let me know when it goes back online! Praise God indeed. I’m praying that somewhere ‘down the line’ you’ll find out that your decision either made you miss a major problem, or that it will have left you free for something equally as good (or even better). Your integrity will certainly be worth it, one way or another. God bless.

    Pray and the Holy Spirit will tell you what to do and when – yes, no, wait.


    Wow – what a meaningful message to give us!
    And thank you for the words of that familiar chorus! I loved singing it with others and especially around a campfire!!!

    Thank you, Ivy.

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