Fear Not

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Master Hath Come"1 (Lyrics)

Isaiah 41:10a – Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. (NLT)

I stared at the button that read "Reset Settings", thinking that it might solve my issue. Fear, however, kept me from clicking it.

Computers seem to have a mind of their own. Sometimes, an update will change the way something performs, or I may accidentally press a key combination and find my computer doing things never done before.

Once, my computer stopped giving me prompts when I typed in specific words that I'd typed in previously. It was not a huge discomfort, but when I'm in a hurry, I save seconds by clicking on an email address or my own name rather than typing it.

So, I had my tech-savvy friend take a gander. After trying a few things unsuccessfully, we came to the dreaded "Reset Settings" button. He said, "Click on it." I feared what might change. He told me not to worry. If it changed something, he could fix it. So, I clicked, and all my missing functions reappeared. I had languished in aggravation for a month when I could have stepped out in faith.

Fear may be a natural human emotion, but it often gets in the way when serving God. It has stymied God's people on more than one occasion. Fear led Abraham to lie about his wife. Fear kept Moses from wanting to approach Pharaoh. Fear made Gideon ask for a sign assuring him of God's presence. And fear made the disciples think that they were going to die in a storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Fear has kept me at bay a few times as well. What would my friends think if I served God instead of the addictions that they did? How would I pay my bills if I left everything to attend college and study for the ministry?

An old saying comforts me: "If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it." Trite? Maybe, but true nonetheless. God never takes us where He hasn't already been in His plans. He never asks us to do anything that He won't provide the means and sustenance for us to do. "Fear not" should be our battle cry as we move out into the unknown lands of God's will.

Where does God desire to take you that fear won't let you go?

Prayer: Father, give us the courage to follow wherever You lead, with the confidence that You'll go before us. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <mandmwiles@gmail.com>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you for today’s devotion.

    Thank you for your message today, Martin!

    Without any doubt, Martin, fear traps us. Blessings.

    Amen Martin. I too know the icy grip of fear these miserable computer symbols can have on a person.

    Martin, I love your devotionals. you tell it like it is plain and easy to understand and your prayers are short and to the point!

    Thanks, Martin, for your very encouraging words today. Yes, our loving Lord is ever ready to help us through whatever circumstance we face, and we need be so thankful for and assured of His constant care. Blessings for another of your special writings.

    Good morning, Martin,
    You are so faithful in writing devotionals to help others mature in their faith. I enjoyed your computer learning and the example from the Bible of when faithful people still hesitated when called by God. Your devotional was very positive and encouraging to help us think about our choices. Blessings.

    Thanks Martin, for your devotion today.
    I enjoyed it, and it brings to mind all the times I had all these fears come up on me.
    But God gave me the strength to overcome them.
    Now I don’t have these fears anymore.
    God has been good to me.
    Thanks again,

    Right on!!

    Amen and amen! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thank you, Martin, for this encouraging word. It has certainly spoken to me.
    Blessings on your day.

    Thanks, Martin. “Been there, done that” dozens of times! This is a great motto: “Fear not” should be our battle cry as we move out into the unknown lands of God’s will.

    Fear leads us to pray for God’s guidance as we confront challenges, and change.

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