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Listen while you read: "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me"1 (Lyrics) |
Long ago, my husband, our two small boys, and I drove to another state where my husband had taken a new job. After arriving at the new town, during the first morning after a night in a motel, we ate breakfast at a nearby café. We needed to shop for an apartment first thing. Our waitress was very chatty. We said that we needed to look for an apartment that morning. Later, she came back to our booth and said, "That couple across from you just moved out of an apartment yesterday!" She then connected us to them. The couple offered to let us follow them to the nearby apartment to see if it were available. We learned that it would be ready the next day. God was providing! We moved in the next day and lived there nine months until we found a house. We recognized this as God going ahead of us to provide and surprise us by using the kindness of strangers.
This story tells how we felt God's love shown through total strangers who involved themselves to help us. The Good Samaritan parable told by Jesus also stands out to teach us about God's love shown by neighbours and strangers.
Luke 10:27,33 – [The expert in the law] answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" … "But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him." (NIV)
More recently, I was in a grocery store when a kind stranger surprised me. I wanted to get lightly salted peanuts. The very bottom shelf is where they usually were, but the slot appeared empty. But as I bent to look farther, I could see one jar left at the very back. A younger woman took pity on me, and said, "Can I help you?" Then, she proceeded to get down on hands and knees in the aisle, reaching all the way back to retrieve the jar. It was a simple act that God used to remind me to be more aware of others and to respond with kindness and help when possible.
Matthew 5:16 – In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (NIV)
We can respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to speak or perform a simple act, and in doing so, God is glorified. It is the Holy Spirit working through us to notice those in need when we can extend God's care and love to them. The Holy Spirit prompts and empowers us.
Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for reminding us of Your care and love through simple acts of love and compassion. Help us to respond to the nudges of the Holy Spirit to perform simple acts of kindness and love for those You show us. Help us to really see them through Your eyes and then to respond. Yours is the glory! Amen.
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So true, Sharon.
Respond to need with kindness and humility.
Good morning, Sharon,
Thank you for your good words this morning.
Thank you for sharing these experiences, Sharon. May God be glorified in our actions.
What a lovely devotional on kindness, love in action, and God’s gracious provisions and care. P.T.L.
Hi Sharon, again you have given us truth that could only come from the perfect word of God. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks, a very good story.
It sure shows us when we are not for sure where the Lord is, he is there and opening doors.
Thank you, Sharon, for your very mindful devotional today. Yes, we need be ever thankful for the way God provides us with unexpected helpers at times and in return it is important that we give help where needed. Blessings for your writings.
Good morning, Sharon!
Thank you for your lovely message today. Our loving Father is very much aware of all of our needs, and He places people strategically to surprise us with their presence and kindness in our times of need.
Yes, what goes around comes around. Sometimes we are the ones who are showing kindness to others, but sometimes we need to be aware of others’ acts of kindness toward us. We need to be watchful for opportunities to both show and receive kindness. It makes the world a better place.
Good morning, Sharon.
These are great experiences of God’s love. He is faithful. And He goes further when we show acts of kindness, He is using us, ordinary people and then turns around and gives us an unexplainable feeling inside. God is so good!
God bless.
Dear Sharon, I’m so grateful for your stories – so moved, in fact, that I’ve written one of the sentences into today’s journal… “ it is the Holy Spirit working THROUGH US TO NOTICE those in need … “. How very important that is! The Lord (Holy Spirit) faithfully does His part, and we need to be faithful to respond … as Mark says so often… “immediately”, when we become aware of those precious nudges. Too often, our busy lives block our ability to NOTICE, and opportunities disappear. That’s why your openness in the restaurant is so ‘touching’. The whole stream of God’s ability to work through His people requires our constant attention (which I believe depends so greatly on our faithful and careful and daily reading of His Word). Doing so seems to work its premises into our minds and our actions. Bless you for your lesson.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us! To God be the glory! Blessings.