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1 Corinthians 13:9-13 – For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part, but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. (NRSV)
Can you see them — three little plants poking out of the ground? They are strange sisters, but sisters indeed. Like sisters at their best, they support and encourage one another. First, sister corn pokes out of the ground and begins a journey that will take her six or seven or even eight feet into the air. Next, comes sister bean, who needs a helping hand to leave the ground and climb to the heights. Finally, sister squash joins her sisters and spreads broad leaves over them all, helping to keep down weeds and retain moisture.
It's spring, and time for my Three Sisters Garden, a gardening technique taught to us by Indigenous people, who gave this type of gardening a spiritual significance, as the three sisters are seen as gifts from the Creator to sustain life on earth. Not only does each plant support the efforts of the others, but also when harvested and eaten together, corn and beans have all the amino acids of a complete protein with squash adding sweetness and further nutrition, making an ideal vegetarian meal.
The Bible teaches the importance of the gifts that God has given us, which support each other in helping us to be all that we were meant to be as we grow into the people God would have us to be. Such an expression of interdependence can be found throughout the Bible in such places as Micah 6:8b – "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NRSV) The number three is often a sign of completion in the Bible.
Today, consider how to cultivate three biblical sisters into your daily walk with Christ: faith, hope, and love. They are the foundation of Christianity and have been expressed in symbols representing each: the cross for faith, the anchor for hope, and the heart for love.
Remember back in the day when the airwaves played songs like The Bible Tells Me So, sung by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, with the lyrics, "Have faith, hope, and charity. That's the way to live successfully. How do I know? The Bible tells me so!"
That's a garden of gifts which, if allowed to grow, would produce an abundant harvest in a world hungry for the things of God!
Prayer: Day by day, dear Lord, of Thee three things I pray; to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly, to follow Thee more nearly, day by day. Amen. (attributed to Richard of Chichester, 13th century)
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Amen and amen! Blessings.
Amen, Kenn. Thanks for sharing.
Always a benefit to remember these important words.
Sweet!! Thank you for the memories and the encouragement!!
Good morning, Ken,
Wonderful words of truth, thank you so much.
That was a nice devotional. Left me with a feeling of peace and hope and (the third) thanksgiving.
This will stay with me!!
Helping me flip the script!!
Mr. Stright, I thoroughly enjoyed reading today’s devotional. It touched me on so many levels. Thank you and God bless you.
This one is a keeper.
I’m sure I will use these thoughts another day.
Thank you, my friend.
Have a blessed day,
Well Kenn, you sure penned another great one today! You included such amazing visuals …the gardening technique to the 3 biblical sisters, faith, hope, and love.
The prayer sure summed it up! What a threesome! Thanks for sharing all these gems.
Kenn, the Three Sisters Garden is something I never knew of before, but it beautifully illustrates so many truths. We need to water our life’s garden to maintain it and see the fruits. There are also people who God planted around us who give us support and comfort. Thank you for stimulating my thoughts this morning with God’s word and good examples.
Good morning Kenn,
I had not heard about this Indigenous garden technique and that these three crops provide all complete protein. Very interesting to know. You definitely wove many aspects of our faith throughout your devotional and the importance of cultivating our three Biblical sisters in order to feed the world. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Many thanks, Kenn, for another of your interesting and well-coordinated devotionals. When I first read the title, I immediately thought of the “Three Sisters” mountains in the Alberta Rocky Mountains area but enjoyed reading how you coordinated your “three sisters” plants with the three very important Biblical words we need follow in our daily lives.
Blessings for your special writings.
Good morning, Kenn,
Have you ever planted these three veggies together in a garden? I hope we can try it this summer although our space is very limited. It makes good sense with your explanation.
Hope you had a spirit-filled Easter weekend.
Blessings on all your future devotions. I really appreciate them.
Good morning, Kenn,
Wow!!! Did I ever enjoy this, thank you. I will certainly be thinking of it again as I plant my squash and zucchini etc.
Amazing also, the Children’s book God literally dictated to me is about to be printed. Corn field of sort on the cover and it talks about the different kinds of seeds and how the children show them.
Thanks again for this today, it encourages me in many ways.
God bless.
Greetings Kenn,
That last reference to Day by Day is also one of my favorites.
My sister was in Godspell at our high school!!
And anecdote.
I was twelvish.
My minister drove a bus load of us to Toronto to see it.
I recently found the playbill.
It was the original production Martin Short, Eugene Levy, … who went on to form Second City!!
Thanks again for the reminder.
Hello Kenn,
Thank you for your message.
Thank you Kenn,
Love this reflection – three sisters – faith, hope, and love helping each other and us to survive.
Hi Kenn, what an interesting and helpful devotional. Thank you for sharing!