Spider Webs

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"1 (Lyrics)

In the early fall, one thing that I always notice as I'm delivering the community newspaper on my route is the abundance of spider webs. It seems that the tiny creatures sense the onset of winter and prepare by working assiduously to "fatten up" by spinning lots of webs. The reason that I notice this particularly is that with alarming regularity in the early fall, I literally run into these webs. The worst happens when the webs completely cover my face from ear to ear! Two days later, when I run into a reconstructed web in exactly the same location, I have double the trouble!

Intrigued, I did a bit of research on spider silk. I found out that spiders can spin up to seven different kinds of silk, like strong dragline silk, or fine gossamer silk, on which they can float in the wind. The tiny spinnerets extrude silk by having it pulled out, rather than being forced out from inside. The silk is five times stronger than the same weight of steel and is tougher than Kevlar. It is composed of two proteins, one aligned lengthwise along the strand, and the other in a spiral formation. This allows some silk to stretch up to five times its length without breaking. I find it very difficult to understand how anyone could believe that such a remarkable material was developed purely by chance, rather than being divinely designed.

As I pondered the miracle of such tiny strands, I began to think about the strong bonds of love that tie us to Christ, our Saviour. Sometimes, we stretch our relationship with Him by wandering away, perhaps by losing our first love, or by straying into sin. The tie can be stretched, but can never be broken, for Jesus promised:

John 10:28-29 – And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. (NKJV)

One recent morning, I emerged from our house into the sunshine, which illuminated a huge, fresh spider's web. It reminded me of the interconnectedness of Christians in the body of Christ. God never intended us to be Christians in isolation, for we can do much more for Him together than we could ever do alone. The apostle Paul gives us guidelines for how we can make that network function best for God's glory:

Colossians 3:12-14 – Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (NKJV)

Prayer: Lord God, the wonders of nature bespeak Your glory, and we stand in awe at what You have created, both large and small. Strengthen our relationship with You, for we want it never to be broken. Grant us the grace to get along with all those with whom You have placed us in Your body. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Ross <rross@telus.net>
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Beautiful, Robin.

    So true Robin. Thanks for all you do.

    Thanks for writing to us, Robin.

    Oh the lessons that speak enlightenment.
    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for your devotion.
    It was a lovely inspiration to begin the day.

    I enjoyed your meditation and especially the spider web research.
    Thank you.

    Thank you for this lovely devotional Robin. I belong to a great church family and they have walked by my side through some trying times.

    Hello Rev. Ross
    Thank you for your spider Devotional. I loved how you can deliver such a powerful message about bonding inspired by spider webs!
    You are indeed a gifted minister and I’m so glad you’ve found this internet ministry.

    Interesting devotional Robin! Only God could have designed such a unique and complex little creature; likewise, only He could have planned such a great salvation for humankind.
    Amen nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!

    Wow! I can’t believe how wonderful this is. I love looking things up as you did and finding out the facts that pertain to the spiders, and then seeing how those facts can inform our prayers. I’m both fascinated and inspired by your story this morning. In fact, out of the blue, and far put of the ordinary, I had a kind of nightmare this morning before waking up completely. In my nightmare I was completely immobilized, paralyzed with fear of making a mistake and spoiling my husband’s recent move toward accepting The Lord. Your story has helped dispel those fears with the thought that the “cords of love that cannot be broken” have already been attached and are securing my husband to The Lord even now.
    Fantastic images Robin, thank you more than you can imagine!

    Enjoyed the devotional, especially the reference to Intelligent Design.

    I enjoyed your devotional about the spider. I learned more about spiders and was once again in awe of God’s amazing plan.
    For quite some time I have been meaning to ask who is the reader of the podcast, and I now know that it is you.
    You are indeed gifted with a wonderful voice, and for some time now I have preferred to listen to, rather than read the devotional each day. Perhaps unappreciated by many, the sound of a comforting voice can draw listeners closer to the message and, as you well know, a ‘cold’ read can do the opposite.
    Thank you for the giving of your time and your blessing, daily.

    Hi Robin,
    The wonders of our God are very well expounded in this interesting and inspirational devotional.


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