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Psalm 130:5-6 – I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. (NIV)
Waiting can be exhausting! I've been doing what feels like an endless amount of waiting. Maybe you have as well. My waiting has been due to a time of extended recovery as a result of a near-fatal motorcycle accident two and half years ago. I've had eight surgeries, with number nine coming up this month. I'm still waiting to find out what my new normal will be and get to the end of this repair-recovery cycle.
The dictionary defines waiting as "remaining inactive in one place while expecting something". I see Psalm 130 teaching a much more active expectancy. Putting our hope in God's Word is a dynamic perspective that we embrace, not a passive existence we endure.
While waiting expectantly for the Lord to work things out, try on some of these perspectives. The night may seem long, but God does not leave us to journey alone.
While waiting:
- Grow in godly character — gain trust, patience, joy, perseverance.
- Focus on what you can do, not on what you wish you could be doing.
- Manage stress and anxiety by prayer and positive self-talk.
- Value the present season instead of looking longingly at the past or future.
- Be fully present with the people and opportunities in front of you today.
Here is your homework:
- Identify what you are waiting for God to do in your life. Be clear.
- What is your current perspective on your situation? Be real.
- What's a fresh perspective that you could adopt as you put your hope in God's Word? Be rooted.
- What character quality does God want to work on in you? Be growing.
- Who can you help and share your life with while waiting? Be giving.
- What are ten things that you're thankful for right now? Be grateful.
Waiting is hard work, but if we grow while waiting expectantly, we might be surprised how much better we will be and feel in the morning!
Prayer: Father, today, we wait for You. We wait for You to meet us today with Your peace and contentment. Teach us what You want us to hear and learn while waiting. We choose to accept Your perfect timing and ability to work everything together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. We choose by faith to watch for You and to keep watching. Amen.
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Thanks Cam!
Wonderful encouragement Cam. Praying for you.
Blessings to you. Thank you for sharing.
Dear Cam,
Thank you so much for your thought provoking devotional.
PresbyCan Daily Devotional, Thanks for a devotional that makes us stop, think and pray and wait for answers. We have so much to be thankful for.
God bless you during this waiting period, Cam.
Thank you for a thought provoking devotional.
Let us know when the next surgery comes up, so we can pray.
Thanks, Cam, for writing to us about waiting with EXPECTATION, watchful for Blessing from The LORD.
You have integrated and applied Psalm 46:10a *Be still, and know that I am God.* and described well the benefits!
Thank you Cam Taylor. This is good for me to learn by and use daily. I am on oxygen 24/7 for advanced COPD.
I do have joy in my days because of my Faith, but to see all this in writing is a reminder of what is important.
PresbyCan Daily Devotional, Thank you for your devotional, Cam.
May your next surgery go well and enable you to find your ‘new normal’.
Two and a half years and still waiting must seem like an eternity…but, Thankfully, you survived.
May you have a Peaceful Thanksgiving.
Dear Cam,
Thank you so much for those God-given ideas. Today our pastor was reminding us that “God is Able”. We don’t know how or when or if He will give us our desires but we know He is able so we can keep praying. I am praying that your time of waiting will end with more healing than you might even expect or ask for.
Hi Cam,
Unquestionably you are making good use of your waiting time as evidenced by your clear, powerful, sprit inspired devotional today. Well done. If you not a writer, pastor, or speaker, you should be.
Thank you for exhorting us all to consider a new perspective in ‘active’ waiting and it’s value in our relationship and growth in God.
Blessings on you.
Wow Cam, such wonderful advise in your devotional. Thank you for sharing your perspective and what you have learned through your adversity. We each have our own situations to deal with. I know I can apply some of your good advice to my own trials and tribulations (which by the way he did not guarantee us we would not have tribulations, did he?). In reading what you have gone through I feel very thankful on this Thanksgiving Sunday.
Thanks for your thoughtful and encouraging words. I had an AVM followed by brain surgery, which created an aneurysm. A second brain surgery caused complete paralysis and multiple other problems including seizures.
God has richly blessed me. Today I am seizure free. I still have the paralysis but most of the other problems are gone. I UNDERSTAND THE WAITING GAME. The difference is that I’m grateful to be able to wait.
Thank you Cam. I will be saving this and rereading it as days pass. It is just what the Dr. (or more likely God through you) ordered for me. My life was turned upside down this year. My husband and I had just settled in our new home in a new city, for 6 months when my husband died. It has been hard and days often seem endless and too hard. Still the move had brought us to the city one of our daughters lives in. God’s amazing timing.
As we have moved across this great country of ours to many wonderful spots. Any roots we have planted do not go very deep. Where will I settle now, how? I am for sure waiting to know what is right for me and what is God’s Will and purpose for me.
Thank you for your timely help. God bless you as you hear his calling.
Dear Cam:
Thank you for an outstanding Devotional and guide for spiritual discipline in both bad times and good.
May Grace and Peace be with you always.