God Is No Man's Debtor

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Malachi 3:10 – Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (KJV)

Recently, I have been experiencing added joy and blessing, which really began about fifty years ago. Raised a nominal Christian, I knew nothing about tithing. A few months after our marriage, I accepted Jesus into my life as my personal Saviour and Friend. My husband's Christian background had a strong evangelical influence, and tithing was part of their worship. My husband simply said, "Now we are Christians, we must tithe ten percent of our income to the Lord." I accepted the idea.

A few months later, my husband, a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, was posted to Goose Bay, Labrador, where the cost for the church building and ministry was the responsibility of the government. We, therefore, agreed to send our tithe to the little church which my husband had attended as a child, and which his parents still attended in Ontario. Today, it gives me great joy to think that we were able to support that little church with tangible gifts. During the passing years, we were to learn that our tithes not only helped the finances of that little church, but also brought great encouragement to those who ministered.

A cousin of my husband's family was showing me a picture, taken during the hungry thirties, showing her mother and herself as a little child. The cousin's parents were in the Lord's work, where money was a very scarce commodity. When I looked at the picture of the little girl, I could not stop myself from exclaiming in amazement, "How did your mother dress you so beautifully, during such hard and difficult financial times?"

The cousin smiled and explained, "Friends and family members would give my mother an article of used clothing, and she would carefully unpick each seam, and every piece would be laundered and pressed and resown into clothing for us children." My cousin's mother was willing to give her life, in partnership with her husband, in a ministry to extend the gospel of Christ. God in His love gave His servant a very special talent to produce beauty out of old and sometimes threadbare garments. Doubtless, the results must have brought great joy to this mother, as she beheld her children, not only clothed for necessity, but also for excellence.

Prayer: Our gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for this day, and for the opportunity to give of our tithes, time, and talents, that we might in some small way be instrumental in extending Your gospel of love. We acknowledge that You are not a God who is a debtor to anyone, but will repay to the giver blessings and joy to overflowing. We approach Your throne boldly, today, through the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

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About the author:

Vena Poole

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