Never Let Us Be Discouraged

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Ephesians 3:13 – I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory. (NIV)

This morning, I received two pieces of e-mail. One was the "pass on" story about the frogs that were challenged to climb to the top of a high tower. As the crowd watched and called out, "You can't possibly reach the top," one by one, the frogs fell away, except for one. The frog that finally made it to the top of the tower was deaf. The moral of the story is: don't let anyone discourage you from doing your best; tune out those who tend to discourage you.

The second message was one talking about Satan and the things he does to us to try to keep us from experiencing the wonderful joy that there is in walking with God. This message talked about the many tools that Satan uses to take away things that we should be enjoying, tools like hatred, envy, jealousy, deceit, lust, lying, and pride. But the one great tool of Satan that may hold us back is the tool of discouragement.

Discouragement can take away not only the desire to do things, but also the thought of enlarging on what we are attempting to do.

We come to know the influence Satan uses when we hear his words, "You can't do this."

The story of the frog, which is secular, still has a message about what can happen when we let Satan influence our lives. We must tune out his words. We must never let him discourage us and tell us we can't do something as we travel this Christian journey. As we let God lead us, He will protect us and rescue us from being discouraged, as we work to do our best to glorify Him.

Psalm 115:1 – Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. (NIV)

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, never let us be discouraged by the influence of Satan. Ever guard our hearts and our minds, that our thoughts will always be of and for You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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