Channel Markers

Friday, May 17, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "For All The Saints"1 (Lyrics)

During this past January, we spent time in Florida, USA, with our two sons. They had brought their boat down from Canada in November. We decided that the weather looked good enough to take the boat to the Atlantic side of Florida near Cocoa Beach.

We carefully picked a launch site in the Intracoastal Waterway, making sure that it was at low tide. If we had launched at high tide, when we returned at low tide, there might not have been enough water in the channel for us to get back. Following the channel markers, we made our way out towards the Atlantic Ocean, but with no plans to go out into the open ocean.

At Cape Canaveral, we boated past all the cruise ships that were anchored in the waterway and were getting ready to leave later that afternoon. As we approached the Atlantic Ocean, we were surprised at how calm it was, and we made the decision to go out past the channel markers and wait for the rocket launch that was scheduled around supper time.

As we anchored there, we watched the cruise ships leave, and then we saw the rocket launch, which was spectacular! As we made our way back toward the place where our truck and boat trailer were parked, it began to get dark. At first, we were not too concerned about this, as the boat had lights, we knew there were channel markers all the way, and we had a GPS.

What we hadn't anticipated was that the channel markers were not lit and did not have any reflective markers on them. We knew the dangers of not being between these channel markers due to shoals and protected areas. For just over an hour in the pitch black, we slowly made our way back toward the launch spot. One son and I were at the front of the boat spotting channel markers and calling out, "Channel marker on the left" or "Channel marker on the right" to our other son who was driving, to ensure that he remained between them.

I have reflected on the life lessons of this day since we came back home. We always need to be aware of our surroundings, and even when we plan for all the details, things can go differently.

Proverbs 16:1 – We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God's hands. (TLB)

Like boat lights picking up channel markers, how reassuring is the Word of God to point the way when we face challenges and surprises in our day. Nothing is a surprise for Jesus.

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. (NIV)

Let's endeavour to stay between the markers that God provides!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for the light that Your Word provides for us. Help us to remain between the channel markers that You have set out for our lives. Thank You for Your hand of protection in all areas of our lives. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Julie Bowles <>
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Thanks, Julie, for the encouraging reminder.

    Thanks for a good word to guide our way today, Julie.

    Thank you, Julie, for those encouraging words. May the Lord bless you and keep you in these challenging days!

    I often think, Julie, with great sympathy about those people who do not have the assurances offered by Jesus in their lives. Thank you for your devotional this morning.

    Thank you for sharing this enlightening and encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory…especially for channel markers! Blessings.

    Good Morning:
    Thank you for your thoughts in this devotion.
    Every blessing to you and yours.

    Good morning, Julie.
    Thank you for this accurate comparison, it is very true. We are protected when we stay inside those channel markers from the Word!
    God bless.

    Great analogy, Julie!
    Lord thank you for our daily guidance through the storms of life!
    Bless you, dear sister in Christ, for this devotional!
    (BC Canada)

    Thank you, Julie, for your very inspirational words today. Very good to hear that you were all safe through that boat ride. Yes, Jesus is certainly our loving and very protective Lord, and we need be ever thankful for all the ways He cares for us. Blessings for your special writing.

    Hi Julie,
    Wow! What an experience!! Thank the Lord for his protection on that day!
    So many things that we encounter in life are totally unexpected even though we have taken what we felt were the necessary precautions. But I am reminded once again that God is faithful, and He never takes His eyes off us!
    Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day with Him!

    Wow! I’d have been so scared! You are so right about the markers the LORD has given us – individually as well as corporately. Praise God, not only for those channel markers, but just as importantly, for giving us the ability to spot them. You and your sons – one spotter and one with his hand on the rudder! What a gift you have. My husband is a few years into Alzheimer’s, and I’ve been on quite a learning journey. We too have two sons who have played two roles in keeping us on the LORD’S track these last few years. How blessed we are. Thank you for this story!! God bless.

    Thank you, Julie, for this wise advice.

    Yes, let’s stay between the markers indeed.
    Thank you so much Julie.

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