1 Corinthians 1:18-19 – For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." (NIV)
Schools here in Canada are beginning a new term of classes. I am reminded that here in Ontario, "the rules" forbid Christians to gather for any religious participation inside public school buildings, unless a separate room can be made available for them. The Holy Bible is no longer to be used by the teacher as a teaching tool.
At some schools, the students have gathered around the flagpole outside of the building for prayer. Yes, this is here in Canada. It's hard for me to believe! I wonder how long it will be until the wording of our national anthem loses the words. "God keep our land, glorious and free."
I pray for the Christians in this country to take a stand for Christ and for Christianity. I believe that Christians are growing stronger. Yet what of our youth? How can they be reached and encouraged?
A local television ministry tried for years to obtain a license for a twenty-four-hour Christian station. They had to settle for a station with some Christian content along with that offered by other religions in order to obtain that license. The station is limited to local broadcasting; it can't go via satellite and broadcast nation-wide. The only Christian FM radio station we can receive in the region west of Toronto is from Buffalo, New York.
As I wrote this piece I received a note from a contributor in response to my having challenged readers in an earlier devotional to "take a stand". The note read: "Christians need to be aware of shared suffering as we increasingly have to bear the reproach and the hostility of the world against Christ. Perhaps it is as much 'on our knees' as 'take a stand'?" How true! We need to come on our knees to the cross, trusting in Him, who is in control.
Prayer: God, help us in this time of need to keep our land glorious and free. In You and in Your strength help us to grow together as Christians around the world. Help us to see with Your eyes the danger of losing our freedom to worship You. Give courage and wisdom to those in lands around the world where there is at present little freedom. Help us to unite in the cross of Christ our Saviour. Amen.
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