John 10:11,14 – I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. (KJV)
It was baptismal Sunday in our church. Belonging to a traditional church where infant baptism is the practice, there were three children of varying stages of infancy brought to the Lord that day.
Following the celebration of baptism, the parents of one young boy, about one and a half years old, joined with some friends to provide the musical interlude while the offering was being taken. I can't remember the song they sang, just the theme, which was how God is our shepherd who cares for us and will pick us up when we come to him.
During the singing of this piece the young lad wanted to be with his mother, so he left his Grandma's care where they were sitting in the next-to-front pew, and toddled to the steps leading to the platform. After standing and watching for a bit, he climbed the stairs. His mother was singing a solo part at that time. She just bent down, picked him up and continued singing.
What a beautiful illustration of how God, with all that he does, will take the time to pick us up when we need him and come to him!
Prayer: We thank you, Father, that you love us and look out for us, that, without words, you know when we need you, and that you are there to pick us up and carry us in your loving arms. Help us to come to you in our time of need. Amen.
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