Matthew 1:21 – She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (NIV)
A month ago, before Christmas, our family settled into a restaurant for supper. The children tried to convince us to let them have a soft drink with their meals. We would not let them order a soft drink. Supper arrived, and we were enjoying our pasta. The waitress came by our table and asked the children: "Would you like a complimentary cream soda?" Of course they replied: "Yes!" After the waitress left, Stephanie smiled and added: "We're saved."
I promptly announced to our family that I was going to write a devotional about this. I remain firmly convinced that God speaks to each one of us in everyday events like the incident in the restaurant. This particular story is a reminder that we are saved, not by soft drinks, but by Jesus Christ.
Both children were pleased that they were saved from drinking water or milk. On the other hand, I remained unconvinced that they will be saved from tooth decay even though they brush their teeth regularly.
At Christmas, we focussed on the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This was, as always, a joyous event, but I am certain that afterwards many remained unconvinced that they will be saved from their sins, as today's verse says. As we share the stories of our lives with others, it is our hope that they will also come to experience the gift of salvation.
Prayer: Lord God, as we proceed in a new millennium, may we continue to share the news of our Saviour with others. We pray that all people will receive the true gift of salvation that comes through your only Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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