1 Kings 18:39 – When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The Lord — he is God! The Lord — he is God!" (NIV)
Upon entering the hospital to first see our granddaughter before her surgery on a brain tumor, we met with a young men who was going on talking about the surgeon who had operated on his daughter the past day.
Referring to the doctor, he proclaimed, "He's god. He operated on my little girl yesterday and he's god."
This young man was so excited and positive about the doctor and the success of the operation on his daughter, I didn't know what to say to him. I knew what he must have been going through. I just stood there and looked through him. This young man seemed like a balloon filled with helium and it was as though I couldn't do anything to deflate his joy.
Inwardly, I knew the doctor wasn't God. No doctor is God.
That same physician performed surgery on our granddaughter, but I didn't think of the doctor as being God. I prayed that the surgeon and the whole team of doctors would be guided by God and that where they couldn't find their way, God, the Great Physician, would step in and take over, and I believe He did.
There is such a difference for us who know God as the Great Physician.
Those that think the doctor is a great god have it all wrong. They are depending on the skill of the doctor, whereas they should pray for the skill that God can give the surgeon, using him as an instrument, to perform the miracles that only God can do. We must pray for those who don't know the one, almighty God.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us pray for those who don't know You as the Great Physician, who reaches out to us with Your healing power. Strengthen our faith as we ask for patience while we watch the wonders of Your power made available to us through prayer. Thank you, as we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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