Psalm 63:7 – Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. (KJV)
The little church at the top of our hill often has a saying on its outside board that really grabs my attention. My mind loves playing with puns or changing things around, and so I have an affinity for those who share the same sense in writing.
One particular notice said simply: You have to believe it to see it. That's a simple sentence that packs a whole lot of meaning. I had to agree, for it has long been my experience that when we believe, we see.
When we let go of what we think is best for us and let God lead, believing that He knows our needs, we see paths and doorways we may never have known existed.
When we ask for guidance in situations, believing that He is ever with us, we see a strength within ourselves we may not have previously experienced.
My shelves store many unpublished manuscripts, pages and pages of children's poems and other stories that I've jotted down throughout the years. But it wasn't until it was suggested I write about how the Lord was living in my life, that my writing showed how believing is seeing. I see how He is my steadfast help in my everyday life, especially where it concerns my volunteer work.
Believing doesn't mean a life of monetary riches, free from challenges, pain or sorrow. It doesn't mean our every wish will be granted, our every prayer answered or our life the way we want it to be. It means that when we believe, we see riches of a different kind — in friendship, understanding and love. It means we see a strength and courage to face our challenges, our pain, our sorrow. It also means we see what are our needs, not our wants.
Prayer: Our heavenly Father, we know that it is through our belief, we see. May we open our hearts and ears to Your voice, that our eyes and minds may see. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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