Doing First Things First

Saturday, July 23, 2011
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Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (NKJV)

At the time that today's Scripture was my latest major revelation, one day, during my devotional time, I was itching to adjust my work schedule into a more efficient order, when I came across this quotation in one of my readings: "Each day, do first things first; the reason people don't reach their goals is because they want to do second things first."

Oops! A "Holy Spirit nudge" perhaps? Yes, it definitely was! At that time, I was in the process of breaking the old habit of attaching undue importance to routine work and my so-called "efficient order"; mine, not the Lord's! I wanted rid of the habit of starting my day with the practical "Martha" chores, instead of with our Lord Jesus. So before adding the new quotation about doing first things first to my treasure box, I added today's Scripture beneath it as a reminder of my latest revelation and desire to continually seek first the kingdom of God; not second or third, but first.

With excellent reason, I wanted to firmly establish the new habit of reading the truths of God's Word, along with quotes from my collection. Both had become like receiving a personal daily letter of loving assistance from our gracious Lord, which was helping me keep on the track of successful, victorious Christian living.

By "successful, victorious Christian living" I mean that generally in believers' lives, when we take the instructions, precepts, principles, and promises in God's Word literally, and then commit to do our best to apply and obey them faithfully and consistently, we are in a God-pleasing position, which brings us to qualify for His promises. When God's fulfilled promises are obviously evident in our lives, that is what I mean by "successful, victorious Christian living".

Romans 14:17-18 – God's kingdom does not consist of what a person eats or drinks. Rather, God's kingdom consists of God's approval and peace, as well as the joy that the Holy Spirit gives. The person who serves Christ with this in mind is pleasing to God and respected by people. (GWT)

    "Our activity for Christ should grow out of our intimacy with Him. Worship first, work second. That is the most efficient way to serve Him and we are more likely to earn His commendation when everything we do is out of love for Him." – Selwyn Hughes, from Spoken From The Heart

In this particular case, the good news is that through doing first things first and consistently seeking first the kingdom, righteousness, peace, and joy of God in every situation through the leading of the Holy Spirit, He brings us to that wonderful promise that "all these things shall be added to you."

Matthew 6:31,32b – Therefore do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" … For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. (NKJV)

The good-news-fulfilled promise is the perfect provision of everything we need from our all-knowing Father God, in the here and now, and forevermore. Hallelujah!

Luke 12:32 – Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (KJV)

Prayer: Praise You, Jesus Lord, for Your precious Word to us, which, as we are willing, always leads us by Your Holy Spirit into all Your truths about successful, victorious Christian living. Thank You that You never fail to love us graciously through any of our slips and failures, but always offer Your all-powerful hand to raise us up into Your perfect precepts and promises. Amen and Amen!

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About the author:

Rosemary Renninson
Westbury, Victoria, Australia

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