The Whisper Of God

Friday, July 29, 2011
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Job 4:12 – Now a word was secretly brought to me, and my ear received a whisper of it. (NKJV)

We look forward each year to "Mission Week" at our church. Missionaries come and update us through pictures and reports, giving us intimate glimpses of what it is like to serve in countries fraught with dangers and difficulties, but also many sweet blessings. We give monthly, but we also take special offerings during Mission Week.

After a missionary spoke on Sunday morning, our pastor asked that we take a minute to pray about our contribution. He asked that we not just automatically pull out a few dollars from our wallet or write a cheque without asking God what amount He wanted us to give. I bowed my head and asked God for direction. I prayed that I would hear in such a clear way that I would know that it was His leading.

As I listened for His answer, an amount was pressed upon me. It was an odd amount, not some figure rounded off in tens like we usually think — and not the amount that I had earlier planned to give. I had absolutely no idea how much money was in my wallet, but I whispered back to God that if I had that much in my wallet, I would give it. I opened the bill compartment of my wallet and there to the very dollar was the amount that I heard I was to give. What joy He gave me in giving that morning, "for God loves a cheerful giver"! (2 Corinthians 9:7b NKJV)

How many times have we missed moments like this by not taking time to prayerfully seek God's will? By not running ahead with our own decision, but rather submitting to His direction, we can experience an intimate exchange with our Lord.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the joy of hearing Your direction in ways that cannot be denied. Those moments bring You especially near, and they encourage us to listen more closely for Your clear answers. You are a loving Father, who honours our submission to You in delightful ways. Amen.

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About the author:

Pat Rowland <>
Cordova, Tennessee, USA

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