Have you ever looked at your fingernails in spiritual way? I was sitting at the table, thinking about the devotionals that I had just read and prayed about, when I started looking at my nails. I could not help but think that it was only … Read more
Author Archive
God Is Powerful – God Is Gentle
Since the rain has stopped, I am able to see Mt. Topo from my porch. I dried off a chair to sit and enjoy the beauty. Near the middle of Mt. Topo is a section of dense fog, and as I watch, some arms of the fog slowly break away in … Read more
In The Last Car
I read a cute story on Facebook about a little boy who thought that he was old enough to visit his grandparents by himself. After much discussion, his parents agreed, and with his suitcase in hand, they took him to the train station. … Read more
Just Look Up
A very good friend and sister in the Lord has been struggling with depression and a type of anxiety which causes her to pass out. Tests indicate that there is no problem with her heart. One day, I felt a need to visit and pray with her. … Read more
You're Grounded
I don't know about you, but I had a way of getting myself grounded! The day or the evening started out well enough, with lots of fun, but then, curfew time came and went! It always happened at the best part of the fun that I was having. I … Read more
If Jesus Asked
The other morning, I was reading in Mark, and when I came across this verse, it got me thinking. What would I ask for? Would I be so bold? Then, more questions came flooding into my mind. Do any of these questions come to mind? If … Read more
Our Citizenship
My husband and I moved from Canada to the Azores in September 2020. We had lived in the same house since our wedding day on October 4, 1996. I couldn't take everything, of course, so I gave much away to a downtown ministry, to neighbours, … Read more
Turning Negatives To Positives
The other morning, I was looking out the kitchen window at a fair amount of water lying on the concrete landing. I turned and said to my husband, "Too bad that when the man did that work out there, he didn't put a bit of a slant on the … Read more
Through Your Eyes
Lord, help me to see others as diamonds in the rough With today's society, that can be tough. Like the ocean tide that goes in and out Take out what's not You and leave what You're all about. Before the world can change I have to do my … Read more
Go For A Tea
It always amazes me how, out of nowhere, God softly tells us to do something, and then, I am amazed at the results that He sends. For example, I have always wanted to have painting classes here in Pico. The other day, I debated whether … Read more
Here's To Better Eyesight
I never really thought too much about the first verse, and certainly not about the results that it could create. I have had situations that caused a lot of hurt and mixed feelings in the past. Then one day, it hit me: *Is there something … Read more
Signing Up
What is it that makes us feel like we are not capable of doing anything for God? Is it our own lack of confidence, or do we think that someone else could do a better job? Has anyone in your church ever told you to stop doing something … Read more
Free At Last
I was busy at the computer one morning, and I got tired of listening to the aggravating buzzing of a fly around the room. I was tempted to go and get the fly swatter, but as we all know, as soon as we get that in our hand, the word is … Read more
What Are You Doing This Week?
How many of us know couples who always did holidays together or got together for fun nights? Then the unthinkable happens: one of them passes away. We find ourselves feeling awkward when it comes to planning that next holiday or getting … Read more
He Did All This
About 25 years ago, the small church group that my mom belonged to changed their Thursday evening format. Instead, the leader suggested that they pray for family salvation. That Sunday, I had to work, and after my shift, I went down to … Read more
We All Have A Purpose
How many times have you heard someone say, "Did you see that? The pastor just walked right by me and didn't even say hello!" How many times do we get offended because the pastor didn't live up to our expectations or include us in whatever … Read more
He Is In Control
It is so easy to become anxious and worried about current events when we listen to the radio or watch the news on television. When we look around us, we can also see wrong being done, and become fearful when such injustices are being … Read more
In His Rest
In all the busyness of today, we can lose sight of what is important. For myself, I know that sometimes, it is the end of the day before I realize that I was so busy with things, I did not spend as much time with Jesus as I should have. … Read more
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