Calling On God

Friday, May 3, 2024
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Listen while you read: "Thine Be The Glory"1 (Lyrics)

Genesis 4:26b – At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord. (NIV)

I don't know how many times in my life that I've called on the name of the Lord, but I'm thankful for God's gracious response when I've needed reassurance, guidance, deliverance, and support. As a troubled teenager who lost his way because of alcohol, I remember pleading with God to help me overcome my addiction. Years later, when I served the Lord as a parish minister, I tried to guide others who faced the same struggle, and I called on God to intervene. Sometimes, the Lord didn't answer in ways that I expected, and I struggled with those moments, but overall, when I've gone to God for help, the Lord has patiently shown me what to do and graciously led me through whatever I was painfully or fearfully experiencing, as well as enabling me to assist others.

I guess that's what led people way back in history to call upon the Lord. Whenever they experienced something too big to handle or too puzzling to understand, they looked to their Creator to give them answers. It seems to be an important part of human nature to call on a higher power or a supreme being for help. I think I once read somewhere that 92 per cent of the world's population prays to their god. This means that the vast majority of people on earth, throughout history, and up until the present day, believe in a supreme being. The mission of the church is to help people everywhere to understand that the One to Whom they should be praying is the God Who is revealed to us in the Bible, the heavenly Father Whom Jesus asks us to worship and serve. As for me, I find that comforting, so I will continue to call on the Lord in times of trouble and fear, as well as in moments of gladness and celebration.

Point to ponder: As we wander throughout life, how many times will we earnestly call on the name of God in prayer? And how many times will God lovingly answer our requests?

Prayer: Even now, Lord, as we read or speak these words, we're calling on Your name. We're asking for guidance and blessings, comfort and support. Be near to us even when we wander away; be close to us when we feel lonely or vulnerable; be real to us when reality perplexes us. In Your holy name, we make this prayer. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you, John.

    Wise words, John.

    Well said. Thank you, John.

    A lovely message today. Thank you.

    Thank you, John, for sharing in such a beautiful way.

    Thank you for your testimony and encouragement. Blessings.

    Thank you for this beautiful message of comfort and guidance.

    Thank you, John, for sharing such a very special devotional with us today.

    Good afternoon, John!
    I appreciated your devotional message today. Thank you!

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. I really needed to read those words since I’m ill. Blessings.

    Right on John! It’s been a while, but I’m always challenged by your succinct devotionals, especially the “Points to ponder”.
    Bless you for this,
    (BC, Canada)

    Thanks for your very encouraging words, John. We need be ever thankful that our loving Lord is ever present and ready to respond to our call or prayer request. His answers can be surprising at times but always lead to the right outcome of our plea. Blessings for your writings.

    As always, I love your stories, John. What a gift you have been to me over many years. Praise and thanks and glory to God, our loving ever present help in trouble. May the LORD bless you always, as you have been such a blessing to so many others. I pray in Jesus’ Name above all names. Amen.

    Good morning, John,
    I always gain insight in my faith as you share your faith with others. You share your experience and your thoughts which help me to reflect on my own journey in a clearer, deeper way. It is interesting how sometimes a person’s reflections touch others in ways they haven’t thought about before. I liked that 92% of people in this world pray to a god/higher power. I join with you in your prayer reminding us of the importance of reaching out and believing that there is someone wanting to help us. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    I saw you writing and stopped to read this in a time of joy! The last few years have been times of struggle and persistence, but things are starting to pay off.
    Know that I indeed thank God for this moment of health and good news about it! I have been daily struggling with food quantity and quality and weight loss desired along with exercise gradually increasing in a humble way.
    Had a great health report yesterday after doctors had expressed gloom and doom. Never thought I would celebrate this!
    Just a wee smile for you.
    We just keep praying! Never too late! It was all God’s timing.
    Peace be with you!
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thank you, John for sharing your experiences and encouraging us to call of the Lord.

    Thank you, Mr. Stuart.

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