He Did All This

Friday, March 30, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Come And Mourn With Me Awhile"1 (Lyrics)

1 Peter 2:24 – He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. (NASB)

About 25 years ago, the small church group that my mom belonged to changed their Thursday evening format. Instead, the leader suggested that they pray for family salvation.

That Sunday, I had to work, and after my shift, I went down to the nearby water to relax. I was watching the little waves hit the shore when I distinctly heard God say, "Tonight, you should be in church." I looked up and asked, "Is that you, dad, or is it you, God?" My dad had been a Christian when he died. Again, I heard that voice say the same thing. God had put a Christian lady in my life, and I decided then that I would go to her church. I accepted Jesus that evening, May 2, 1993, three days after my mother had prayed. I am so very thankful that God orchestrated all these things beforehand.

Thanks to the cross, Jesus showed the love and compassion that He has for us ordinary people. It breaks my heart to think that I took so long to finally realize that the way is Jesus Christ. I am ashamed of how I lived that put Him on that cross. I am eternally thankful that God did not give up on me.

That Sunday evening after the sermon, the pastor asked, "If I wrote you a cheque for a million dollars, would you not do anything for me? Now think of what Christ did for you. Would you not want to do anything for Him?" It will be 25 years that I have been serving my Saviour. I am so thankful for the cross, what it means, and what it accomplished, that I try to live in such a way that all that Christ did that day will not be in vain.

So many people consider Good Friday as just another holiday. Let us pray that they, too, will realize the true meaning of this day. We cannot fathom the love that God has for His people, but it is remarkable how He showed us that love on Calvary's cross!

What does Good Friday mean to you? Here's what it means to me:

    He Did It All

    Jesus, there is no word for the pain
    That You suffered my salvation to gain.
    Heavenly Father, that day there was no relief
    For Your unbearable grief.
    But victory was on the way
    When the stone was rolled away.
    What a beautiful sight
    To see folded cloths of white
    And to see You walking down the road
    Just like the disciples were told.
    Yes, this is what they heard Jesus say,
    "You will see me on the third day."
    With His blood He washed me clean —
    Cleaner than I have ever been.
    With His blood He forgave me,
    Unlocked my cell door and set me free.
    He is in me and I am in Him.
    Now my future isn't dim.
    I have a place with Him for eternity.
    To think He did it all for me!
    Yes, on that day on the cross,
    Jesus, You showed the devil You were boss!

Have a blessed Easter, and know that you are truly loved beyond words.

Prayer: Thank You, heavenly Father, for loving us so much. Words cannot express our gratitude for what Christ endured on the cross for us. Help us to bring others to that cross so that they, too, will realize that they are loved and forgiven. In the holy name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Vargas <brendalovespico@gmail.com>
Pico, Azores

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great testimony, Brenda.

    Thank you for your message, Brenda. Blessings.

    Thank you for this wonderful devotional today, Good Friday. God bless you.

    What a wonderful and inspiring story.
    Praise God.

    Thank you for your message today, this very important day, “Good Friday”. I am sharing it to Facebook.

    Thank you, Brenda, for such a meaningful good Friday devotion.
    Do keep writing.

    Thank you, Brenda, for sharing this devotional with us. Christ touched my soul through your words. Blessings.

    Thank you for sharing your testimony, Brenda.
    Happy Easter to you.
    He is Risen Indeed!

    Greetings Brenda,
    Many thanks for the devotional this morning. We need be so thankful for all the Lord sacrificed for us and that He is ever there for us. Your poem was beautiful and so meaningful to read.
    Blessings to you and enjoy this very Holy weekend.

    Dear Brenda,
    Thank you for the well-written message of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ – for us.
    Keep writing.

    Dear Brenda,
    Greetings in our Lord! How beautiful, moving and what a testimony of God’s love at work today! Thank you, and I thank and praise God for His answering your mother’s prayer (and for His work in your life).
    God bless and keep you!

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