Align With Christ And Be At Peace

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"1 (Lyrics)

When I first started doing street evangelism, I had a real challenge. I noticed that for every ten persons I came across on the street, nine claimed that they already knew Jesus and were born-again Christians. Hence, preaching to them was of no use.

But, thank God, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit, "Don't mind what they tell you. The devil doesn't want them to hear the message. Preach all the same." So, I obeyed.

With time, I discovered that those people who claimed that they had the Spirit of adoption were mere churchgoers who leaned on unscriptural ideas as yardsticks for being children of God. Little did they know that they were alienated from God.

Friends, belonging to a church doesn't make us Christians, and singing with a melodious voice every Sunday doesn't either. Some people go to church to fulfill all righteousness, but as soon as they leave church, they go back to their worldly endeavours filled with fornication, adultery, and all forms of lasciviousness. No wonder peace is far from many who claim to know Christ these days.

In the body of Christ, suicide, depression, and frustration have become rampant because many are yet to align with the Prince of Peace, Jesus, who said, "I leave you peace; my peace I give you." (John 14:27a NCV) Yet many who call Him Lord still lack peace, not knowing that they are their own problems.

Job 22:21 – Obey God and be at peace with him; this is the way to happiness. (NCV)

To experience peace, we must settle with God, and Paul describes the only way to do that:

Romans 10:9 – If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. (NCV)

What we are to do is to confess our sins and ask Jesus to come into our life, and then, we will have peace. As we do that, whatever has stolen our peace will return it.

Romans 8:1 – There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (ESV)

There is no gain in hypocrisy, and there is no repentance in the grave. So, even if we are being hunted by death, let us confess our sins and align with Jesus today, and we will live and experience divine peace. Pray with me:

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for giving me peace on the cross by dying for my sins. I therefore confess that I am a sinner, and I accept You as my Saviour and Lord. I receive Your divine peace into my heart, mind, soul, family, job, and every area of my life where peace is absent. I align with You, Jesus, now and forevermore. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Owen Osa <>
Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Thanks for sharing, Owen.

    I admire you for your stand!!

    Thank you, Owen, for your inspirational writing.

    Thank you, Owen. So true. I see this every week in the chapel at my RV park.

    Excellent devotional, Owen, with well-constructed “arguments” and progression of ideas. Thank you!

    Thank you, Owen, for reminding us that our faith requires appropriate actions and witness. Blessings.

    Owen: praise God for your faithfulness. The flimsy cloak of “being saved” that many rely on for peace does not give the warmth of Christ’s presence.

    So true. Unless you have a personal relationship with God, you will not have it. I tell this to all my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
    Bless you, and your messages to the people.

    I am sending this to you today because not only is it well written, it was written and sent in by individual from Nigeria.

    Dear Owen Osa,
    Thank you for a truly gospel message.
    I pray that you will keep writing and preaching the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. I pray that God will continue to empower you.

    Dear Owen,
    Thank you for this inspiring message and oh so true. It can be heart-breaking to see how many people are just doing life without Jesus and thinking they are ok.
    God bless you and your ministry; may God continue to bless you and the Holy Spirit pour down fresh rain every day as you pour out to others.

    Hello Owen,
    Thank you for this sincere devotional. Yes, alignment with our Lord and Saviour is where we must place ourselves and follow His guidance. Following Him and obeying His teachings gives us a very fulfilling and peaceful life.
    Blessings to you.

    Yes, Owen. And once we’ve experienced God’s salvation, THEN we learn to walk with Him every day, (What would You have me do? Thy will not mine be done), coming before Him with praise and thanksgiving, finding the way He would have us go, throughout the life He has given to us, the path to which He guides us, reading the Bible and praying as another day opens up. The opportunity to LIVE and share the message Christ gives us is the next challenge, growing in faith and love. Blessings on your work and life today.

    Good morning Owen Osa, and thank you. Romans 10:9 is so simple and yet for years we missed it. My husband and I lived the “traditional” go to church, behave Christian lifestyle, until we couldn’t anymore. It was powerless and empty. Then, we went beyond the free ticket to heaven, we went beyond Jesus as savior and discovered Jesus is our Lord. My husband greeted everyone with “Who is Jesus to you?” He wanted people to know, when they verbalized, “Jesus is Lord,” They were able to say that phrase, to claim it because of the power of God in us. He wanted all to know God as Lord. So much so, that verse is on his head stone. Just like you, he wanted people to know there is more. God is a power that loves us immensely. Go preach it, Owen!

    Amen Owen!

    Hi Owen, I can tell you are a committed man of God. Don’t get discouraged. Just keep spreading the Word. Blessings.
    (B. C.)

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