Give Us A Break!

Friday, August 8, 2003

Luke 12:7 – Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. (ESV)

I went shopping this weekend to find some new jeans. As I looked for jeans on the shelves, Caroline came over, and asked why I did not look at the ones displayed on the tabletop nearby. These were half the price of the standard ones I had looked at.

At the bottom of a pile was a pair of jeans in my waist size, and, even more surprisingly for one who has grown short for his size, it was the right length of leg as well! "Great," I thought, "half the price of the ones on the shelf," and away I went to pay for them. The assistant pointed out that there was another ten pounds off if I bought two pairs.

Ever the optimist, I returned to the table to look in a pile of jeans in the style I wanted, although I knew there would be none there, because I had already looked earlier. As I worked my way down the pile, I prayed "Lord, I could really do with a little bit of help from You right now, as I know the sizes here are all too small."

The next pair I picked up was not only the right size but also the right length! Now I was embarrassed, because, although it was a real cry for help, I had not really expected Him to take an interest in such a mundane matter. My prayer arose more out of forlorn hope than out of faith. I suppose it was akin to an exclamation to a friend, looking for solidarity in frustration, rather than expecting them to do something practical.

I believe that, in the middle of daily life, He is with us, unseen, but not indifferent to our situations, and sometimes we need reminding that He still cares!

Isaiah 46:3-5 – Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been borne by me from before your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age I am he, and to grey hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save. To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike? (ESV)

Prayer: Lord, You are an awesome God. We are truly sorry that, in the midst of the self-obsessed tasks of everyday life, sometimes we do not expect You to be there to intervene, as so often it seems as if we can cope on our own. Thank You that You never give up on us, and, at the right time, You guide and come alongside us, seen and unseen. Remind and encourage us today to look for Your hand at work in the mundane, as well as in the spectacular of our daily lives here with You on earth, that we may give You the praise and glory You deserve. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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