2 Corinthians 11:4 – For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. (KJV)
As messages on the backs of vehicles and bumper stickers go, there are thousands covering every topic under the sun — and some beyond it.
As they pertain to religion, I've seen "My boss is a Jewish Carpenter", "WWJD" (what would Jesus do?), "I Love Jesus" and others.
Recently, as a sport utility vehicle passed me while I walked, I noticed four little words on the lower left-hand side of the rear window: "Say One Hail Mary".
As I am married to a Roman Catholic, the words are familiar to me. My father-in-law was very devout, as are several of my friends, and I have seen the comfort they receive while faithfully praying their rosaries, especially in very trying times. Even some Anglican Churches now accept the rosary.
That aside, whether or not we believe or practice what a religious sign, bumper sticker, or other means of display, says, it still serves to remind us to whom we owe our thanks for everything in our lives.
When we are subjected to, confronted with, or merely see in passing, something pertaining to praise in another religion or sect of choice, we must accept the differences and diversities in this beautiful world in which we live, and see it as an opportunity to reinforce what we ourselves believe.
You may not say the "Hail Mary" — but it can serve to remind you of "The Lord's Prayer".
Prayer: O good and gracious God, grant us the ability to be open-minded, to accept others in their beliefs, and to seize the countless opportunities which abound to strengthen ours. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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