Running Against The Wind

Friday, August 17, 2012
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Master The Tempest Is Raging"1 (Lyrics)

With all the hot weather that we have had, we were grateful when we finally received the much-needed rain. With the rain came a gentle, cool breeze that brought relief and comfort to our household.

The other day, as I was driving into town, I stuck my arm out the window. I love feeling the wind hit my palm and watching the skin being pulled back by the force of the wind. It reminded me of sitting in a roller coaster car, speeding downhill at a fantastic speed, and having my facial skin pulled back. At my age, I hope that it stays pulled back!

Have you ever tried walking against the force of a strong wind? I mean the kind of wind that turns your umbrella inside out and you are hunched forward, trying your utmost to walk ahead. Have you ever tried running against such a force? I have. It's very hard. It almost feels like giant hands pushing me backwards.

Sometimes, we experience strong winds in our lives, whether they be winds of sickness, winds of turmoil, winds of doubt, or winds of anxiety. It is at times like these that we feel like we are running against the wind, struggling to make headway under our own strength.

It is at such times that we need to trust in the One who controls these winds and allows them in our lives, so that we will grow in faith and serve each other to the glory of God. We need to ask for and count on His strength, and not just our own, to face them.

Psalm 56:3-4a – When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. (NASB)

Prayer: God, Creator of the wind and the rain, help us to trust in You. When we are faced with the challenging winds in our lives, grant us strength and peace to know that during these times, You are with us, gently leading us into calmer places. Amen.

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About the author:

Rosemary Hagedorn <>
Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada

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