Anxiously Waiting

Friday, July 11, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "We Have An Anchor"1 (Lyrics)

For four years, we've been waiting. We've grown accustomed to "Hurry up and wait."

My wife's list of medical ailments should convince any judge that she's eligible for disability. So what's the holdup? Probably her age. She's under 50. She's been turned down three times. We filed for an appeal, and it was granted. Presently, we've been waiting six months to get a court date. Her not being able to work seriously affects our financial situation, but what can we do? Wait … but not anxiously.

Elijah was no doubt a little nervous as he awaited an answer from the God that he had proclaimed to the pagan prophets as real.

1 Kings 18:38 – Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, and the dust. It even licked up all the water in the trench! (NLT)

Waiting has never been one of my strong points. I've not always been able to get what I wanted when I wanted it or even at all, but the impatience is still there. This anxiousness often carries over into my walk with God. When is He going to answer? How long is it going to take for Him to intervene? Will He give me the wisdom I need? But I've learned that I don't have to beg God to answer. Elijah didn't either.

Why does God make me wait? Patience is one reason. Delayed gratification grows this virtue. God may also have a better plan than I do, but it involves waiting for it to materialize. Perhaps things must happen or be put in order … things I'm not aware of … things that only God sees. Timing is important in God's plan, and timing normally involves waiting as well.

God may often ask you to wait, but you don't have to wait anxiously. Simply rest in Him.

Prayer: Merciful God, give us patience instead of anxiety when You ask us to wait for Your best. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you Martin. May your waiting soon be over and your wife receive the benefits she needs.

    In our country we are living in God’s grace, in waiting for God’s help and need prayers from every one who loves God.
    (DRC Congo)

    Martin – patience is not one of my strong points either. Trusting the Lord to provide all that you need even as you wait on Him.

    Praying the waiting is over and done with.
    Been there – I got to say if it takes 99 years….
    Thank you for telling how it can be.

    Glad to meet you also. Yes waiting is certainly a virtue, especially in today’s world. I think of Heb 10:36 and Psalm 37:7,9.
    God bless you.

    Dear Martin:
    As I learned many years ago in AA, “Let go and let God”.
    I will pray for you and your wife that these many things may come to pass quickly for you both. Resting in the Lord is the best way.

    I pray that God grants you and your wife the patience you need until His plan unfolds. Waiting is hard — I know. But as we wait, we need to remember that God’s Plan is always better than our plan for our lives, and His timing is perfect in all things.
    Do continue to write as your words can be a help to others who read them.
    God bless.

    Dear Martin,
    Re: “Timing is important in God’s plan, and timing normally involves waiting as well.” I have found this to be true. As you say, we don’t know what God is working out in the hearts and minds of others who may be responsible for the solution. I will pray that you have the patience needed for the answer to take place.

    HI Martin!
    Thanks for writing to us!!!
    REST and stress are spelled with the same letters.
    Looking and COMING unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, lets me take the one without the two extra s’s.. where I see sufficient GRACE/mercy each morning for the day.
    I will add your wife to the list of people for whom I pray for complete healing.

    Dear Martin,
    What a timely reminder for me this morning, as in wait too, for some sort of breakthrough in our family situation. My son is quite ill and hasn’t been able to work much. Our family can’t bear the financial burden without going more in debt monthly. I feel for you and will add you and your wife to my prayer list. We know a loving God, a good God. There must be better things coming for our families. God’s plan seems to know no time boundaries. God bless you in your waiting. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement.

    Dear Martin Wiles,
    Thank you for the “waiting” devotional.
    I pray for healing for your wife if that is God’s will. And I pray that you will be able to “rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him”. And that you will have good health too.
    I understand waiting due to medical setbacks.
    May God bless you and your wife mightily.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
    We had been trying for a year to sell our house, even had several accepted offers, which fell through with the inspections, which we didn’t understand. We wanted to move to a certain area, feel we have been led there, but the doors have been shut.
    Even to the point of a vacation there this summer! Other couples who hadn’t planned on moving have! We have been very down about it all. But then my dad went into the hospital, several times.
    If we had moved I couldn’t have been here for him or my mother. I am grateful God shut the doors! I am learning to rest in Him, trust Him more, and wait, but it isn’t always easy. I know His timing is best, so I wait, and hopefully grow!
    So thank you for your devotional today, it is a great encouragement! Merci!!!

    I too know that waiting game. I live in Canada and our rules are different but the feelings of chronically disabled people are very similar, I believe. I first found with the insurance company. Then got paid…then they constantly made me run through hoops with the warning always there. In the last several yrs I have learned a lot about insurance companies and the awful way that you will be treated. Continue steadfast to your goal and do not allow a no from them stand in your way.
    If your wife has proven to be unable to do her job, any job and they struggle with you….try a lawyer. Prayers and hopes this settles soon as I know only to well how hard on a person with illness stress can be.
    This is also very difficult for you, the now named care giver.

    Good morning.
    You know this is so true. I have often wondered if I have an issue with God as a person. As a Christian. I ask believing that as long as I believe I have it, God is able & what I ask will be done, and even if I am not worthy enough, at least the crumbs that go on the floor I can get some of. I have been asking for healing and a peaceful life. But I have been unable to receive either the healing as a miracle, and the doctors of this earth say it is an unforgiving or incurable ailment. Sometimes I think it is a result of what I’ve done in the past. But one thing is that God has given me the grace to live with it, and when i think of other ailments out there I thank him for the grace He has given me to survive even with the other pains associated with it. Despite it all I am thankful for life and I am also thankful for the grace he has given me to be alive, and I am willing to overlook those things which if I had good health I could afford. Also the problems which seem to encircle me, He also gives me the grace to go through, and I trust Him that He will not let them kill me. Amen
    Thanks again for letting your devotional stir my thoughts today.

    You touch on one of our greatest needs as Christians, namely to let nothing disturb our peace or our joy.
    Since I made this pact with God earlier this year, my relationship with God has deepened more than I can express. And with that, waiting has lost its irritation. How I thank Him for this change He has made in me.

    Dear Sir,
    God Bless!
    Waiting has always not been easy but the outcome which we often realize at last is AWESOME!
    My challenge has been what is the thin line that lies with God’s answer being NO and Waiting?
    Stay Blessed.

    Thanks for sharing, Martin,
    I thank our Lord that The Kingdom has no need of waiting rooms, or any form of red tape, as all God’s People are immediately ushered into His Holy loving, Caring Presence.
    So it is in full expectation that I ask our Father to to do an immediate makeover on your dear wife, restoring her to the perfect physical and mental, and spiritual perfect health that He created her to be in.
    And I thank You, beloved Lord, for answering this prayer.
    I offer this prayer up in Jesus Holy Loving name.
    Amen and Amen.

    God bless, strengthen (spiritually and physically) and keep each of you.
    My heart goes out to you and I pray for and thank Him for direct guidance.

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