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Listen while you read: "Christians Awake"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 2:8-11 – And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (KJV)

It all started in a large store where food products were displayed and samples were made available for the shoppers. I paused to take a sample and got more than I bargained for.

A woman there began with this: "I don't know what to get my grandchildren for Christmas. They have everything."

She went on to tell me of the past Christmas when she travelled some distance to her daughter's place so as to be able to spend the whole day together with her family. That Christmas morning, she arose, got dressed, and went downstairs to find every one still fast asleep. There was no excitement, and for that matter, as she was to find out, there was no reason to get up. The children knew all the gifts that they were getting, so why not sleep in?

Then she hit the nail on the head: "Kids today don't even know what Christmas is all about."

How true! I thought. Many have never even heard the Christmas story or for that matter have never read a Bible!

I'm concerned about the slow but sure disappearance of general knowledge about the story of our Saviour's birth, the celebration of the shepherds, and the star in the east that drew the wise men to worship the Messiah. To many, all of this is lost in the desert.

The future depends on us, so let each one of us choose to deliberately see to it that the next generations learn through our teaching and that of the Holy Spirit what Christmas is truly about: Christ's birth.

Prayer: Most gracious heavenly Father, grant us the Spirit-filled strength to spread Your Word to the world around us. Help us as we start in our own homes and families with the assurance that You have given to us. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good reminder Anne.

    Thanks, Anne. I know that your concern is shared by many. It is important to stress the role of grandparents in sharing their faith with their grandchildren.

    I agree with you Anne. The TRUE meaning of Christmas has been lost and we have ALLOWED commercialism to take over.

    Hi Anne.
    How lovely to see a meditation by you once again. Sadly, you are correct in saying that so many people do not know the real reason behind the celebration of Christmas.

    Amen to that, Anne.
    It is sad to see how aimless our younger members of society are, now that God has been taken out of society’s equation.
    All we can do is pray for them and share the story of Christ every opportunity we get.
    Happy Christmas to you.

    Anne – your devotional is sad but true. Unfortunately kids are growing up in a much different world today. Hopefully, a message like yours will resonate with families and churches to spread the good news of why we celebrate Christmas.
    It’s great to see your writing again!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!
    Peace and Blessings.

    Dear Anne Russell,
    I especially appreciated your prayer today. I joined in prayer with you.
    Prayer: Most gracious heavenly Father, grant us the Spirit-filled strength to spread Your Word to the world around us. Help us as we start in our own homes and families with the assurance that You have given to us. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
    The Bible says, “Pray without ceasing.” Never give up. God will answer. Also it says “Here a Word, there a Word.” Keep speaking in Love, with assurance. And I pray to do so too.

    I could have written this devotional Ann, almost word for word. It is so sad to watch our Lord pushed aside for a bunch of junky toys, But even far worse, what about their eternal souls?
    Prayer is the only answer and we as believers must be diligent to do that.
    This year I sent donations in the names of my family and friends. One very close friend said it seemed I was just looking for a receipt. What a disappointment as I thought she would be delighted.
    Blessings to you.

    Hello Anne
    So good to read one-off your devotionals
    It has been a while in coming but you have not lost your touch!
    Some excellent thoughts here and so very sad and unfortunately true!
    To the best of our ability we must reach out to the lost wherever we are and in even a small way show them Jesus and the truth of why He came.
    May God bless you and Bill and we send out love to you both.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Hi Anne,
    Thank you for those words of truth, children (Many People) do not know the true meaning of Christmas.
    We watch some of the news reports and at this time of year there are all kinds of efforts to build toy mountains and when children are asked what they want I mostly just hear: “Toys lots of toys” and to many that is what Christmas is all about.
    On Christmas day my wife and I with a pianist friend will go the the local Long Term Care Centre to have a Christmas day worship service, with Bible passages, and carol singing, and the simple message of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem and every year the residents just love it. Our generation grew up with it and it is important to us. It is my hope and prayer that the younger generations will also yearn for the true meaning of Christmas.

    Hi Ann,
    Good to read your devotional! So sad that Christmas is slowly losing its true meaning year after year. You are so right that the future depends on us to tell the reason for the season – Jesus Christ! Wishing you and yours a very merry and blessed Christmas!

    Anne – So good to hear from you; I have missed your writing. I am in concert with your evaluation. God bless you. May your Christmas be filled with love and peace.

    Thumbs up!
    Certainly on point and can’t agree any less.
    A charge to keep we have to consciously pass on the true Christmas story – Jesus, the reason for the season.

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