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James 1:27 – Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (NIV)
I love Christmas. I haven't loved every Christmas in my life, however. The first Christmas four months after my daughter died in a car accident was a bad one. The Christmas before that, after my husband left, that same daughter wept as she opened presents sent from her father. That was not a good Christmas either. Christmas cards, movies, television programs, etc., all promote the perfect family sitting down to the perfect meal after opening lovely presents. But what about the other people – the ones who find the sting of loss even more excruciating at Christmas next to the template of that perfect family Christmas? What Christmas cards are there to send those people?
I think I could make one. It would show someone with their face turned to heaven in the shadow of the cross with the nativity scene to one side. It would say, "Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow because of the Child given so long ago." The inside might say, "He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted…" (Isaiah 61:1 AMP). I have been one who has been bound up with healing from the Son of God Who read those words in the synagogue in Nazareth that day. By God's mercy, I have enjoyed many good Christmas times since those sad ones.
The family side of Christmas is important, as our emotions are more tender at this time of year. However, deep in the heart of every Christian is the recognition that Christmas is not truly about a family Christmas. Rather, it is about appreciating the tremendous gift of salvation given as God in Christ stepped into time at Bethlehem to accomplish our salvation. And what does one do with this appreciation? How do we please God during this season? Reaching out to others, especially when we are sorrowful, can end up being a comfort for both the giver and also the receiver – a sort of two for one. They feel better, and so do we. What visit, what meal, what kindness can we give someone else to alleviate their painful Christmas? That's the key: thanksgiving to God and an outstretched hand to others in need. Now there's a good Christmas card sentiment.
Happy or sad, may the Lord Jesus bless your Christmas with joyful thanksgiving of what Almighty God did to make a way for us to be forgiven, because of that first Christmas.
Prayer: Help us, Lord, to comfort others this Christmas the way You have comforted us. In doing so, may we please You and also find our own peace through it. Thanks be to You, O God. Amen.
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A good reminder Linda.
Thank you Linda. Blessings.
Congratulations on your wedding!
Great devotion and congratulations on your wedding.
Beautifully written Linda, may what you shared today not just be words but words put into action.
Well said! Enjoyed your words. Have a blessed Christmas.
Powerful message. Thank you.
Christmas Blessings to you & yours.
Congratulations Linda, on your devotional here and your new marriage to Allan Smith. And can I buy some of those cards please???
Thanks for a wonderful read at this time of year Linda.
May the blessings of Eph.3:20 be upon you and Al.
Thank you for the heartfelt and down-to-earth devotional!
Congratulations on your recent joining of souls!
Many thanks for your message of Hope as we too lost our dear dear daughter two years ago due to depression. You are not alone with Jesus at your side. God Bless.
Beautiful devotion this morning Linda. Thank you. AND Congratulations as well! May you know God’s love and His presence this Christmas. And keep writing.
Dear Linda,
I really enjoy your devotional “Christmas Cards For The Brokenhearted?”.
Thank you.
Hi, Linda: Thanks for your thoughts. It would be great if someone who is an artist would/could respond by producing that card – it would fill a need for sure.
May you have a blessed Christmas in Him Who has literally saved us.
My heart goes out to you for your tragic Christmas days and your courage to share with us of how your faith has given you strength. We are able to live with the true meaning of the birth of Christ but the scars remain. May you have a very blessed Christmas.
Linda, I really enjoyed your devotional and am planning to share it with our family over the Christmas holidays. I’m sure it will stimulate good conversation among our adult sons and their wives. May God bless you and Alan in your new life together.
That was a great devotional! So many people have sad memories at Christmas and it is important to acknowledge them and consider their feelings at this time of year.
It is so important for us to have hope.
Beautifully said, Linda.
I can relate to much of what you share – having ‘been there’ myself. I thank the Lord I did not lose a child but the rest could have been about my life too.
God’s peace and blessings to you now and always.
A great reminder that there are many for whom we can lift up our prayers on their behalf.
Thank you for a very beautiful devotional, bringing sanity and love, bringing us back to the real meaning of Christmas and those who really need comfort and hope that we can give through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
May God bless you both as you begin life together.
Wow Linda, thanks for being soo honest today in your devotional. That was very powerful!
May our “God of Comfort” comfort you this Christmas season and may you truly know that Jesus died & rose again for YOU!!
Did your devotional ever hit home for me. It was like you wrote it just for me. I lost my wife very recently to cancer and the going has been tough.
It will be a very different Christmas this year but my faith is getting me through and I know my church family and the prayer partners on this site will help in the future,.’
Hi Linda
Thank you very much for today’s message. It is true there are many people for whom Christmas is not happy because it reminds them of what isn’t perfect in their lives. Thanks for being honest, sharing the pain you’ve experienced in the past, and reminding us what we should really be focusing on in this season. God bless you.
Dear Linda,
Thank you for the heartfelt devotional.
My you find deep peace in Jesus who paid it all.
ALL. May we respond in appropriate appreciation for his full and free salvation, and for his presence with us every moment.
For Jesus’ sake. Amen.
I pray that God will be with you and yours in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hi Linda
Thanks for the beautiful message you wrote in the Daily Devotional today.
I am a Christian since I was a kid. But lately I’m a bit confused. I need to know “Is Jesus the same GOD? or they are two different role? I read Jesus even said to his disciples that “HE is greater than I”.
Appreciate your feedback.
Thanks so much.
Hello Linda – as I read the devotional today that you wrote — I thought how true and realistic your words are! I also thought that it would be great if there were special Christmas cards available like the ones you described that could be sent to people who are grieving a loss or dealing with a recent cancer diagnosis etc. I have a friend who lost her husband this past summer and I looked for a card that would be appropriate for her but I could not find one! I live in a small town and we do not have a Christian book store here, but there is one fairly close and so I will go there to see if they have a card that would be right for this lady. You sound like a very caring person and obviously have a very strong faith which has, I’m sure, helped you get through the tremendous sad times in your life. I wish you much happiness this Christmas and congratulations on your recent marriage! Blessings for much joy ahead for both you & your husband!
Thank you for the reminder that Jesus surely is the reason for the season. Like you, for many reasons, I have experienced several sad Christmases. Over the years we have lost many close family members. Then my husband and I left the church we had been members of for many years. After a couple of weeks of staying at home we started to attend a different church.
Together we learned we didn’t know what the future held but we knew who held our future so we are secure in knowing we have Salvation in Jesus as Lord and it doesn’t matters which church we worship in. As long as Jesus is the Cornerstone we have His peace. I was encouraged by the writers of the devotionals sharing their experience and advice.
Best Wishes to you both.
Linda: There is a message for each one of us in your devotional. It may be different for each of us, but there is not any doubt that God’s hand is there.