God's Mighty ACT

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Little Town Of Bethlehem"1 (Lyrics)

The old prophet foretold it, the shepherds witnessed it, and Mary lived it.

"In case you haven't heard, God, I'm just a young unmarried virgin."
"Don't worry, I will A.C.T."
"And by the way, the last time I checked, sex was required to conceive a child."
"I told you. I will A.C.T."
"But God, haven't you heard … the penalty for unfaithfulness is death."
"Mary, I said I will A.C.T."
"What about my fiancé Joseph? He'll never believe You made me pregnant. That's a tall tale for anyone to believe regardless of how much they love you."
"I'll take care of Joseph. Remember, I'll A.C.T."

And God did.

Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (KJV)

Luke 2:10 – And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. (KJV)

God A-cted by accomplishing what we couldn't for ourselves, but not in the way many were anticipating. He didn't send His Son on a white horse to set up an earthly kingdom. Rather He delivered Him by way of a poor, young, peasant woman. But then again, God often acts outside the boxes that we attempt to house Him in.

God C-omforts us, assuring us that He has everything under control. Mary couldn't fathom it — and sometimes we can't either, but His plan is masterful and eternal.

God T-akes us to the end. He saves and preserves; He finishes what He starts. We act by faith in trusting Him, and He acts in faith by remaining true to His Word. The shepherds rejoiced when they heard the good news, and so did Mary … eventually.

Has God's mighty ACT changed your life?

Prayer: Almighty God, we rejoice over Your mighty acts and thank You this Advent season for acting in our behalf by allowing Your Son to take on human flesh and give His life as a ransom for our sins. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <mandmwiles@gmail.com>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great reminder!!

    Thank you, Martin. He saved me!

    Thanks, Martin, for such a meaningful devotion. Please keep writing.

    Thank you for this lovely devotional. I am forwarding it to many of those I love. Blessings.

    Well done Martin! I enjoyed your unique approach to the Christmas story.

    Thanks so much for your devotional today, Martin! So clear and ‘simply put’ yet profound! Many blessings to you at this special time of year! Peace to you and yours.

    Dear Sir,
    Bless you for this write up!
    Our God is awesome and neither are our ways His ways. He is unfathomable.

    Dear Martin,
    One of your best! Thanks for a clear picture of what Advent and Christmas are all about. You have tied it all together beautifully. May you and yours have a very blessed Christmas Season.

    Hello Martin
    Well versed. I have known the wonders of His power, mercy and tender heartedness. Yes, all was shown through Jesus, in our time many years ago. A Son was given, only to die an accursed death. On That Cross, this song of remembrance.

    It has been my experience as a 31 year old Christian that God has been there through the good and the bad. He never leaves or forsakes us. His Holy Spirit enables us to give glory to Him when our need is the greatest. When I have been in the pit I could always look up {heavenward}. His hand reach down to us as we call on His strength.

    Dear Martin Wiles,
    For years I helped with staging Christmas dramas, and sometimes I had the responsibility of taking the events from Matthew’s and Mark’s gospels and arranging the scenes and the readings, and the carols.
    As I read your devotional, I envisioned a drama of the birth of Jesus Christ and the events surrounding his birth being ACTed out according to your ACT theme. Placards with large ACTS letters were used.
    Do you also write dramas for presentation on stage?
    Thank you for giving me this new ACT way of seeing the birth of Christ events.
    Keep writing.

    A GREAT devotional, Martin. Thank you for sharing it.

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