This Little Light Of Mine

Saturday, October 30, 2010
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John 1:4-5 – In [the Word] was life, and that life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (TNIV)

Some time ago, my wife and I visited her sister, who lives alone in another province. When we visit, we like to do odd jobs to help her out. This time, I replaced the "Razor Only" outlets in her bathrooms with "Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters" (GFCI). These devices are designed to prevent people from being electrocuted in their bathtubs. Unfortunately, the current-limiting transformer in a "Razor Only" outlet uses (and wastes) power continuously, in the same way that chargers for cell phones and cordless tools use power even when they aren't charging anything. (Unplug them when not in use!)

The GFCI devices that I installed had the tiniest LED light to indicate that power would flow if something were plugged in.

The windowless design of my sister-in-law's basement bathroom means that it is always dark, and in the middle of the night, we used to have to feel our way around. However, when I entered the bathroom after the GFCI installation, that tiny light shed an illuminating glow that was amazingly revealing, for such a tiny light. Immediately, I thought of today's Scripture, and realized that darkness must flee in the presence of light. We Christians must not hesitate to let our little light shine for truth and justice, no matter how small we think our witness might be — we can all make a difference.

But then, I remembered that Jesus warned us that people who want to operate under the protective cover of darkness hate the exposing light.

John 3:19-20 – This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. All those who do evil hate the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. (TNIV)

Unfortunately, as we support the cause of honesty and righteousness, we can expect that those who don't will try to make us quit or be miserable as we try. The world may not appreciate morality and uprightness, but we must pursue it, for the sake of Christ and His kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, encourage us who have such tiny lights, to let them shine openly for decency and honour in a world that wants to do whatever it wants. Help us not to hide our lights under a basket. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Ross <>
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

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