When a friend of mine was evacuated from his home and town due to wildfire, I asked him if he had taken all his important legal papers, identification, and medical files with him. He told me that he had not. He had simply left quickly. My … Read more
Author Archive
The Way Of Escape
My daughter's dog, Pepper, is an escape artist. If there is a way to get outside of the yard, she will discover it — something which she did recently. Twice in two days she escaped the fence. I was charged with the task of finding out … Read more
The Donkey
When Minnie, our miniature donkey, arrived, we were excited to meet the new member of our livestock family. Within a short time, however, we realized that something was wrong with her feet. Her hooves all pointed slightly upward, instead … Read more
The Impression
My youngest grandchild was busy working on a craft while I was writing. Suddenly, she was standing at my elbow asking this question as she showed me her accomplishment: "Are you impressed with me, Grammy?" I was indeed impressed with her … Read more
The Shaping
One of my hobbies is paper quilling. This involves taking thin strips of coloured paper and rolling them around a spool into a tight circle. After the finished circle is removed from the spool, the coils can be released to the size … Read more
The Conversation
Bonnie and Kayley were at it again. What they were talking about I don't know, but I could hear them plainly, and it was plainly getting on my nerves. My two collies have their own language. All collies, it seems are talkers. When I speak … Read more
The Price Tag
Sophie, my retriever cross, had started panting during our walks, so I took her to see our veterinarian. After a thorough examination, the vet deduced that it was most likely a touch of arthritis, due to Sophie's age. She also remarked … Read more
The Helper
I began training my retriever cross, Sophie, to be a helper from the time she was a pup. We often hiked the trails together in our mountain home and I felt that it was important that she could help me if I were to trip and fall or have an … Read more
The Grapes
The last of the green grapes had been in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. I decided that it was time to eat them up or throw them out — something that I am loathe to do — and I scolded myself for not enjoying them sooner. Taking … Read more
The Breeze
I had been waiting for summer. Now that it had come, I was longing for respite from its sizzling heat. Thus I dug out dusty fans, then strategically positioned them to avail myself of their cooling breeze. What relief those whirling … Read more
The Stings
My Irish Setter decided that eating bees was a good thing to do. As we had a swarm of them around our porch, she set to her task with a vengeance. An hour later, her hugely swollen face revealed the evidence of her folly. Benadryl brought … Read more
The Splint And Sling
We were shopping in the city when the call came. Seven-year-old Ade had fallen on the school playground and needed to go to the hospital. As we travelled to the school, my daughter, Mary, and I discussed the best thing to do, as our van … Read more
The Renovation
There are a number of renovation television shows which I really enjoy. I find it both fascinating and awesome to see how a good contractor can transform a poorly functioning home into something totally different so that it works for the … Read more
The Resurgence
In 2023, wildfires burned out of control in many parts of Canada. One such fire near the town of Fort Nelson in northern British Columbia destroyed thousands of forested acres. As winter arrived, the fires disappeared from view; they went … Read more
The Lighthouse
I suppose that we have all had dreams concerning what we wanted to do when we grew up. Years ago, I was in a meeting when amidst our time of discussion, one person asked the group, "What did you want to be when you grew up?" As we each … Read more
The Glitter
My granddaughters were off school, which meant that they were in my care. As I had much to do, I asked them to find something to do quietly while I finished my chores. As I went about cleaning and vacuuming, I was pleased to see that … Read more
The Grumbler
My dog, Sophie, has always been a grumbler. She was born that way. She grumbles with low rumbling sounds if she feels that the other dogs are infringing on her territory or are having a good time playing in the yard while she is lying on … Read more
The Responsibility
Agnes is very old for a goat. Yet, she has done a wonderful job acting as foster mom to our five adopted goat kids. I have very much enjoyed watching her mothering skills and how the kids have responded by trusting her and obeying. As of … Read more
The Clumsy Puppy
Ruby is an Irish Setter. Setters are tall dogs with long legs. At five months of age, some days, Ruby's long legs cause her a great deal of trouble. She careens around corners, ending up on her side with four lanky legs flying out in … Read more
The Hay Barn
When we moved last spring, one of our priorities was the construction of a hay barn on our new property: a place where feed for our livestock could be kept dry while also allowing fresh air to circulate. Hay that is not protected and does … Read more
The Depletion
I have a dog run. This is a fenced area where the dogs can be outside to attend to their personal needs anytime they want. The area is thickly layered with gravel, making cleanup and disinfecting easy. The gravel, however, gets depleted; … Read more
The Hissing Wall
While my three-legged foster cat, Caesar, was learning to walk again after the amputation of a hind leg, I put a fence across my hallway so that he could move about in safety and not be harassed by my dogs. Caesar was afraid of the dogs, … Read more
The Tripod
My veterinarian works in conjunction with the SPCA, and a concerned neighbour took Caesar, a stray cat, to the clinic. His right hind leg was broken and sported a huge, open, badly infected wound, which ultimately required the amputation … Read more
The Promise
Not long ago, while my granddaughter and I were shopping, Ade excitedly pointed out the seed displays. From the time that she was old enough to walk, she had always helped me to plant the vegetable seeds in our gardens and greenhouse. … Read more
The Quandary
My granddaughters love to play hide-and-go-seek. They will spend hours at it, if I am willing to play with them. When it is my turn to seek them out, I discover their hiding spots quickly. When it is my turn to hide, however, it often … Read more
The Special Brush
Having eight dogs requires a lot of regular upkeep to ensure that my little house is always neat, tidy, and clean. I therefore wipe down my floors and vacuum each day. It may sound like a lot, but in reality, it takes me only twenty to … Read more
The Hungry Goats
During the colder months of the year, the minute our goats hear me outside in the morning, they begin crying out very loudly for their hay ration. Mmmmaaaaaaaaa echoes round and round the dark barnyard until their breakfast hits their … Read more
The Listening Ear
Listening to my grandchild takes practice and intentional listening. At four, she is still unable to pronounce a number of letters correctly. This issue makes various words difficult to grasp, as the sound that she is seeking to make … Read more
The Victory
Earl Grey came to me as a three-month-old kitten. I am not much of a cat person, but there was something special about Earl. My granddaughters called him "Jungle Cat", since he ran like a gazelle and climbed anything and everything. He … Read more
The Best Thing Ever
One Christmas, my brother and I received a new game: Monopoly®. We played that game with our best friend, Michael, for many, many years thereafter. It was a game which I found uninteresting and a real bore. In fact, I still do. Back … Read more
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