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Proverbs 4:23 – Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (NIV 2011)
Sienna, my Yorkshire Terrier, had a lump which was growing. Thinking it was an infected sebaceous cyst, which are common in older dogs, I made an appointment with the veterinarian to have it checked.
At the clinic, they took Sienna into the examination room to ascertain just what they were dealing with. A short time later the technician appeared with Sienna and a sealed glass test tube. Inside the tube was a botfly larva a little over half-an-inch long. A botfly had planted an egg on Sienna, where she must have had a tiny nick in her skin. The egg hatched and burrowed further under her skin where it proceeded to grow, making Sienna very uncomfortable as it ate into her flesh and moved about. Left untreated, the larva would have continued to grow until it burst through her skin, a painful process which often results in infection or abscess.
This botfly episode reminded me of today's Scripture and the importance of guarding our hearts, only allowing what is good and right to dwell within, that which builds us up, for all else corrupts and infects our very way of life. The apostle Mark makes this clear when he pens in chapter 7:20-23 these telling words: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.'" (NIV)
We must thus take very seriously Solomon's words of wisdom to guard our hearts, for everything within it eventually flows out of it, godliness as well as ungodliness. How, though, do we guard our hearts? We guard them by paying attention to what we hear, watch, read, and think about. Our actions come from the way we think, and when we fill our minds with ungodly influences, we also begin to act in ungodly ways. Whereas when our hearts or minds are filled with the things of God, we act with godliness.
Therefore, as the apostle Paul has written in Philippians 4:8, let us guard our hearts today by filling them not with the ungodly actions, thoughts, and words of this world, but with "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things." (NIV)
In light of these words of truth, what we will allow to enter into our hearts today: godliness or ungodliness? The choice is ours; may we choose wisely.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we have the privilege of knowing and meditating upon Your Word, that our hearts might be filled with all good things, which in turn direct the pathways of our lives. In Your name, we pray. Amen.
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Wonderful. As usual. Thanks.
Thanks Lynne, blessings to you and your family.
This had your signature all over it, the moment I started reading! Bless you for this cautionary tale!
Thank you, Lynne, for sharing this encouraging and timely reminder in our devotional today. To God be the glory! Blessings.
Thank you, Lynne, for another inspiring devotional!
We are so blessed to have your contributions!
Blessings, Joy, Peace, Comfort, Gratitude.
Thank you for this and all your writings. I carry your lessons with me.
I’m not sure I like the image of a botfly munching inside the dog!! Hope recovery is complete.
Good morning, Lynne,
I am happy to read Sienna is ok and it was not something more serious.
God is good.
Thank you for your message.
God bless.
Wow Lynne, you sure have an eventful life. Poor Sienna. I’ve never even heard of a Botfly.
I’m sure most of your readers today will choose the ‘Godly’ way to proceed with our day. Many thanks, as always for your insights and heartfelt writings.
Sooooo appreciated.
Good morning,
Well I had to look up “botfly”. My husband had heard of it. Not me. I see it dwells in Western Canada. It is great that you took Sienna to the vet and had it dealt with. Now I need to take your message and remember that I want what is good and right to dwell within me. Thanks for the helpful advice. It is always wonderful to read how much you know and understand about your animal friends. Thank you for encouraging us to be thoughtful and grateful. Blessings.
Dear Lynne,
One of the things I love about the Daily Devotional page is that so many times, I have gone to the page and found that Robin has selected a Devotional that speaks to exactly what is happening in my life, or what I am dealing with that very morning. I love when you post; it’s all so Scriptural, and right on money for the Daily community of believers. Thank you again for all the writing and sharing. My very best wishes to you and everyone you love.
Greetings Lynne and many thanks for your devotional today. You always write a great analogy of a happening of one of your pets and an important biblical message for us to consider. The scripture of Philippians 4:8 that you refer to, carries much meaning for us to absorb and reflect on. The way things are happening in our world these days we can sure easily lose focus and definitely need to seriously keep our thoughts on the Lord’s words. Blessings for the work you do in preparing these special and informative writings and I hope Sienna stays well now.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
A botfly
Oh my
Many thoughts
We try.
Same page as PresbyCan
Morning Lynne,
Once more you have hit the nail on the head turning an everyday experience into an insightful devotional. Thank you.
Right before Christmas I was at our church with others wrapping presents for our ministry to the community. My phone rang and it was my husband in tears! Our most wonderful dog, had been railing and he said through tears it was time to take him to the vet.
WELL, I, of course, rushed home. We have a barn a bit of a distance from the house and our dog had gone over there and sat down and wasn’t going to move. We have had a dog or dogs since 1968 when we moved after graduate school. He will be our last. SO, guess who gets to take the dog to the vet. My husband, who is a very strong person in most ways, has never taken a dog to the vet to be put to sleep. I simply cannot go with the dog to the vets to be put to sleep. As our previous dog was taken down the hall, she turned around and looked at me in such a way as to say, “thank you” and, of course, you know what I did…cried.
Since you are a dog/animal person, you get it.
Merci Lynne,
The sentiment to intentionally maintain purity of heart is artfully expressed. “… May we choose wisely.”
Hello Lynne,
You must be in a dangerous deep freeze in Northern Alberta. We are to have the coldest weather in ten years for the next several days, but nothing like what you are having.
It has been a lovely read about the lesson from Sienna’s experience with the botfly. So glad that we still get your inspirations occasionally. Thank you.
Keep warm and may the LORD keep blessing you.
Good advice, Lynne. Thank you.
Lynne – Each devotion you share comes as a rich blessing. Whether it be prefaced by your pets, your grandchildren, your extended family, the lesson is clear.
Thanks for your faithfulness.