The Intention

Friday, December 6, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day"1 (Lyrics)

Ephesians 1:4 – For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (NIV)

It was October, and Christmas catalogues had already begun to arrive. When we went to town, my granddaughters were thrilled to notice Christmas displays in the stores. They begged to wander the aisles that sported the latest Christmas wish gifts, as well as indoor and outdoor decorations. I, however, was feeling rather appalled to be bombarded so early in the year with the commercialism of Christmas. One thing had to be said, though: Marketers certainly are intentional when it comes to making plans to promote the season. They know how to plan ahead and then how to launch those plans to get people's attention.

As I considered this, I thought about God's intention when it came to Christmas. He was planning it even before the creation of the world. God is timeless. He knows all things. He knew that man would sin and need a Saviour to cleanse us of our sin and to restore us back into a right relationship with Him, our heavenly Father. God's intention for Christmas, the coming of Christ, was there from the beginning. We see the first foretaste of that intention in Genesis 3:15 when the Lord tells the evil serpent about Jesus: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." (NIV)

In fact, there are a number of Old Testament prophecies that predict the birth of Christ, the Messiah. Isaiah 7:14 tells us that He would be born of a virgin. Jeremiah 23:5-6 predicts a righteous King out of the house of David, Who would save His people. Micah 5:2 states that He would be born in Bethlehem. Yes, God planned ahead; He had intention when it came to the first Christmas. Then He promoted the fact that Christmas, the salvation of the people, was coming, by getting the people's attention through the prophets.

As I considered these things, I was challenged by how intentional my Christmas plans are, or are they? How much attention do I really devote to the celebration of the birth of the Saviour, in comparison to the time that I spend buying, wrapping, sending, making, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and gathering? Where are the eyes of my heart focused? Are they on the Christ Child and what His coming meant for the whole world, including me, or have the intentional plans of commercialism diverted my focus?

God's plans for the first Christmas were intentional. I pray that mine, as well as yours, may be likewise.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Christ, the greatest Christmas gift of all. May our plans to remember His birth this year be intent on making Him the focus of our celebrations. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen, Lynne.

    What a wonderful devotional you have shared. Thanks Lynne!

    Your activities show your love for family and friends – This too is God’s wish.

    Morning Lynne, as always definitely points to ponder. Thanks, and have a Blessed weekend.

    Amen and amen, Lynne! To God be the glory! May your Christmas be doubly blessed. In Christ’s name.

    God bless you and your family this season and always Lynne. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us.

    Nice going again the Lord keeps blessing us with your great thoughts.
    Thanks for sharing.

    This is a good one. So glad to get your Christmas devotion as it is such an important message, early in the month of December. Many thanks! May you have a blessed Christmas season.

    Great reminder Lynne as there are so many commercial and cultural distractions at this time of year. When I keep focused on the real reason for the season is when I feel the most Christmas joy. May God bless you and your family this Christmas season and bring you lots of good health and happiness in 2025!

    Merry Christmas Lynne
    This is a great lesson today. My decorations are up but I think next year, God willing, I am just going to do my manger scene and some lights!!!
    God bless.

    Good thoughts. I find if I avoid stores and tv it’s easier to find Christ in Christmas by my own tree and treasured decorations. I laugh every time I see the cotton ball sheep one kid made in Sunday school. Our nativity is original to say the least. Is the commercials that draw us in, isn’t it? Thanks. Merry Christmas.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    I need to focus more on my intentions.
    On the reason for the season.
    Thank you.

    Dear Lynne,
    Many thanks for another of your very special devotionals and reminding us how easy it is to get diverted in our thoughts and actions at this time of year. Truly the greatest gift given to us is when God planned the deliverance of a very special gift to mankind in the form of Jesus as our ever-loving Saviour. There really is no better and lasting gift than when we accept Him into our lives and keep our focus centred on His ever-present availability and care. Blessings for sharing this very timely and meaningful writing with us and I always look forward to your presentations.

    Good morning, Lynne,
    In a Bible study, I learned about many references in the Old Testament which told about Jesus coming years before it happened as you shared. I liked your reflections on Christmas and our intention about the true meaning of Christmas as we prepare in this season of Advent. I do believe some of the commercial part of Christmas can also help us to think about the importance of the birth of Christ into our world. The beautiful twinkling lights reminds us to shine the light of Jesus out to others. The giving of gifts remind us of this great gift that God has given to us to save us. The sharing with others is the community that God wants us to be part of. I believe God knows what is in our hearts. Thank you for sharing your faith. Blessings.

    Thanks Lynne, wishing you and your family all the best this Christmas season. Blessings.

    Thanks for this timely reminder – “first things first.”
    Our church produces an Advent Calendar, written by members, which closes with a “contemplate” challenge; helps me stay focused. Your writing today was another nudge!
    Bless you for your faithfulness.

    Read this encouraging devotional again this morning and was doubly blessed. Thanks again for sharing this devotional with us. Blessings.

    Just reading this this morning Lynne. Superb!! I was thinking about this myself just yesterday and wondering HOW to make our plans and our gatherings more Christ centred. That will be my challenge now – thanks to your reflection. Thanks be to GOD.

    Thank you, Lynne. I also abhor the early arrival of commercial Christmas and the lack of focus on Christ.

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