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Deuteronomy 4:9 – Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. (NIV)
My dogs and I walk ten times around our fenced half acre daily to get our exercise. Lately, I have noticed that I can see a faint outline of the path which we have trod over the past year. Our feet have begun to chart our route, and as we continue our habit, I expect that the pathway will become much more apparent as the ground beneath our walking feet is slowly worn deeper and deeper away.
This reminds me of the Lord's command to His people, in today's Scripture. He exhorts them to closely watch over themselves in regards to their spiritual walk. They are to be consistent and diligent in not letting themselves forget everything they have seen Him do. His faithfulness is never to slip from their hearts, not ever. The word "slip" is defined as losing one's balance unintentionally, for a short distance (Oxford Dictionary). If you have ever slipped, you know all too well just how quickly such a thing happens, and when you least expect it.
Likewise, slipping in regards to remembering all that God has taught and done for us can also happen quickly and unintentionally. Life catches us up with its busyness, illness drags us down, good times embrace us in their pleasure, laziness dictates that we can let spiritual habits slide, at least for a while, and before we know it, we are not really thinking of the Lord very often at all. He is still there, but in the shadows rather than at the forefront of our daily walk.
That's just how easily slipping happens, and when it occurs, if we are not quick to notice and regain our balance, the spiritual pathway which we are leaving for others to follow now, as well as after we are gone, can easily begin to fade into nothingness.
Thus, let us remember, as the Lord has said, to be careful and watch closely: to watch our hearts' attitudes, our minds' thoughts, and our spiritual habits of reading and knowing the Word, fellowshipping with other Christians, and raising our voice in praise and prayer. For as we watch closely, we shall not slip. We shall never forget all that He has done for us through His Word and deeds, so that the pathway we leave behind us daily, as well as after He has called us home, stands bright and clear, well defined, for others to see and follow.
Prayer: Father God, remind me to be careful and to closely watch over my spiritual walk with You, that others may see and follow the godly pathway that my life is treading. In Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
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Thanks Lynne, blessings.
I always appreciate your helpful devotionals full of truth.
Thank you for sharing this timely reminder to pay attention to where we are going! Blessings.
So true Lynne, thanks for your important words of wisdom! Wishing you lots of blessings in 2025!
What a wonderful verse to focus on at the beginning of a new year. Thank you for drawing our attention to it.
Sending warm New Year wishes as 2025 begins. Keep up the encouraging words in the daily devotionals, they make a great start to the day! Thanks.
Morning Lynne, another great reading. Thanks, we all need reminders once in a while.
Hello Lynne
Love this heart’s attitude, mind’s thoughts, and spiritual habits.
Have a blessed 2025.
Thank you so very much for your reminder in today’s devotional.
How easy we forget. You were speaking to me.
Have made new commitment in 2025.
Thank you for another devotional, Lynne. You manage to convert every day things into thought-provoking devotionals.
Thanks again, Lynne.
Hello Lynne,
What a good new year message from you today! I almost felt like I was walking with you and your dogs. Such a good spiritual challenge too; thank you.
Thanks Lynne, I like your point about the worn path we leave behind us. If I am following faithfully after the way of Jesus, those who come behind me might find the path too.
I love the examples you share from your life with your animals and kids.
Thanks again. I am sure glad that you help in sending these thoughts
Once again, I see how that the Lord uses you in the most simple everyday things that have a great message.
Good morning, Lynne!
I enjoyed your message today. Especially your prayer:
“Prayer: Father God, remind me to be careful and to closely watch over my spiritual walk with You, that others may see and follow the godly pathway that my life is treading. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.”
Grace and Peace!
Do I share
Do I tell and expound
My way is the only way
Thought provoking
Thanks for writing this devotional
Good morning, Lynne,
I have not thought about that how I walk with God might leave a pathway that might lead others to Jesus. It is an interesting concept. Definitely slippage can happen so easily and therefore starting our day focused on Jesus and grateful for all that I have is important to me.
This devotional is a good reminder to start 2025 with as we journey along each day the path that God guides us to. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for 2025. Blessings.
Many thanks Lynne for another of your very special and good advice devotionals. Yes, we sure need to keep our spiritual walk a top activity in our daily lives. Life can get distracted with one thing or another quite easily but our close association with our loving Saviour is of greater importance and benefit to us for sure. He lays out a very good path for us to follow and joy is added to it when we gather with others and share about His guidance. Blessings for these very positive writings you prepare and may you have many good weather days to enjoy walks with your pet doggies.
Thank you for sharing with your devotionals. I always get some nugget from them.
Happy New Year Lynne. May God bless you and your family. Thank you for your wise words.
Happy New Year, Lynne.
As usual, your devotionals resonate. I intend to read this one aloud at our next Church Session meeting – a great mindset for the new year!