Be A Hard Worker

Monday, May 23, 2005

2 Timothy 2:15 – Work hard so God can approve you. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed. (NLT)

My husband loves digging in the dirt. When the first breeze of warm air blows in the springtime, his thoughts turn to growing something. Tools to till the soil are brought out of storage, and his lawn mower is readied to clip the first green grass that appears.

Red azaleas, yellow roses, and pink begonias leap forth as he plants and spades gently around each one. Tomato, bell pepper, and cucumber plants make up "granddad's garden", a micro-space in his retirement years.

It takes a lot of hard work from the time they are put in the ground until fruit from the plants is produced for our table. He is a good worker, and many days he can be found tenderly caring for the flowers, lawn, and garden.

A "good digger of the dirt" is what his young niece calls someone who persists until the soil yields a harvest.

We must be as diligent in our work for the Lord. Consistent study of God's Word is vital. Our prayer life should be without ceasing. Perseverance is required for our lives to bloom and produce fruit for Jesus.

Are we hard workers? Are we "good diggers of the dirt"? Do we find time each day to read God's Word and talk to Him in prayer?

When we know Him, love Him, and imitate Him, the Holy Spirit grows the fruit of love, joy, peace, and self-control in our lives.

Prayer: Jesus, it is our desire to seek Your face and know You more. Help us to be tireless workers for Your kingdom. Amen.

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About the author:

Melva Cooper
Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA

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