Spirit Clouds

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Who Is On The Lord's Side"1 (Lyrics)

John 3:8 – The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit. (NLT)

A much-needed vacation took me to the mountains of Tennessee, USA.

Along with my wife and another couple, I found myself nestled in a cabin high in the Great Smokey Mountains. Each morning witnessed me sitting on the porch, admiring the handiwork of my Creator, listening to the birds and turkeys, feeling the gentle breezes, and watching the sun rise above the distant peaks.

One morning was different. The sounds were the same, but the sun didn't immediately appear. Rather, dark storm clouds marched through the valleys and hopped over the mountaintops. After dropping their cargo in the form of light rain showers, they gave way to wisps of white, dainty clouds that flittered west to east and south to north. As I watched, I thought of God's Spirit.

In the Greek, the same word is used for spirit and wind. Though I can see the effects of the wind, I cannot see the wind itself. Nor can I view God's Spirit — only His workings in the lives of people and myself, and in the world.

Like the clouds, God's Spirit is often silent. I hear no audible voice — just a small but effective nudge within my spirit guiding me in the right direction or to the correct decision. At other times, God's Spirit is loud. I don't have to wonder if it is Him speaking to my spirit. His voice comes through loudly and clearly — like clouds that bring vociferous claps of thunder and downpours of rain.

The work of God's Spirit can be obvious, such as when He brings a change in my life that is evident to others. Or His work can be not so obvious, as when He slowly changes me from the inside out, changes that take months — or even years — to ripen to maturity.

As witnessing the spirit clouds comforted me on that early morning, so my spirit is calmed by knowing that God is always present with me in the form of His Spirit — giving me wisdom and guidance for every decision in life. The clouds went where God sent them, and He never sends them in the wrong direction.

Let us each learn to listen for God's still, small Spirit voice. Then let us act on what He guides each of us to do.

Prayer: Father, thank You for guiding our steps through the still small voice of Your Spirit. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <mandmwiles@gmail.com>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Martin.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Amen, Martin. We’re to stay alert.

    Thank you. Martin, for your very precious Devotional today.

    Nicely written Martin.
    Yes, God will speak to us in many different volumes.

    Yes, Martin, may God’s Spirit send zephers of His love into our lives. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    I could easily picture your views as you described them in early morning in the mountains.
    I always enjoy your devotionals. So delightful and to the point.
    Thank you.

    Hi Martin,
    As it happened we read a devotional about clouds this morning as well, a passage from Job.
    You make a very good point in your wrtings this morning.
    Thank you.

    My Dear Martin, l recognize your writings as soon as l start reading them. Your words and stories inspire me and this one of the Tennessee Mountains made me feel God’s presence. You are a wonderful pastor and writer. Please keep going as it gives me such great pleasure and I’m certain I’m not the only one.
    God’s blessings to you and your family.
    (Northern Ireland)

    Dear Martin Wiles,
    That title made me feel leery, but from the Bible verse through to the prayer…
    … I was blessed. Thank you.
    Continue to write.

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