Eternal Joy

Monday, October 30, 2017
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Listen while you read: "May The Mind Of Christ My Saviour"1 (Lyrics)

1 Peter 4:18 – If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner? (NIV)

When the practice of Hallowe'en is upon us, I am bothered by the activities of the day. It just rubs my spiritual health the wrong way. I have seen the dark side of that day and night. For many, the scarier the decorations for the day the better! The more fearful the sights and the outfits to wear — that is the thing to do. For some, violence and property damage seem to be the aim.

Since many activities seem to be harmless fun, no one really wants to admit that Satan is behind this all. In short, the darkness blinds many to think and act in devilish ways. They have no fear for the evil instilled in them by the enemy of our souls. At the same time, they show no fear of God, to Whom our reverence and respect should be given, knowing His love and His desire for our spiritual health and salvation all year long. Hallowe'en is one of the devil's prime works to deceive many who act it out in all their lives.

So, when I walked into an early "Hallowe'en" party in a city park that was organized by the city churches in the bright sunlight of the day, I was surprised, and pleasantly so. There was no fear or scare around, as was evident in the smiles of the children happily collecting the treats. It was a happy day with games and rides with appropriate music. It was safe for all to enjoy an outing in the light instead of in the darkness of the night. It was healthy and innocent entertainment put on by the organizers, who looked for the good of all.

I was pleased that the Lord ordered my steps into the crowd to hand out gospel tracts — Help from Above. The children opened their bags for me to drop the tracts in there, only I ran out of them. I could have given out many more. I saw disappointed faces before me. It was a setback that I will not forget!

One of the people that I met was a fellow who told me that he had been a bad boy and was put in jail, but he found Jesus in there — or Jesus found him! Either way, his joy was about being "justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:24 NIV)

It was a joy to me to think how blessed a life in Jesus can be. The benefits are great: an uplifting lifestyle with God, and His gifts of forgiveness of sin, a relationship with Him, and eternal life.

    May I run the race before me,
    Strong and brave to face the foe,
    Looking only unto Jesus
    As I onward go.
           – Kate B. Wilkinson

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming us from the world, the flesh, and the devil, and for taking our sin upon You to the cross. Thank You for Your help from above. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for a good word Kirsti.

    Amen Kirsti….way to go!!

    Thank you very much, Kirsti. This devotional is deeply meaningful for me.

    Thank you, Kirsti, for sharing your thoughts and experience with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Excellent advice. Both my children and their wives celebrate this way at Halloween – daytime parties without any horror, and with other Christian families. I think you’re right about Satan being so present if we allow that to happen, although it took me awhile to realize it.

    A little verse about pumpkins you may be interested in, I too am not a fan of the evil? Halloween. Being Christian is like being a pumpkin — God picks you from the patch and brings you in, then washes the dirt of you, (2nd Corinthians 5:17). He opens you up and scoops all the yucky stuff. He removes seeds of doubt, hate, and greed etc. (Romans 6:6). Then He carves you a new shilling face (Psalm 71:23) and He puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see, (Matthew 5:16).

    Dear Kristi,
    I have been told that Hallowe’en (All Hallows Evening, or All Saints’ Evening) was begun by the Roman Catholic Church when they ran out of calendar days to name as a particular “saint’s” day, so they chose a day to call All Saint’s Day so not to miss designating a day to any worthy “saints.”
    I do not have official proof for this long-accepted idea. (Churches across the world have been named “All-Saint’s” too.)
    I’m glad you have experienced a pleasant alternative to what has often become a wild, ungodly evening.

    When I was a child Halloween was a time for innocent fun, at least in the city.
    Perhaps not so much in rural areas.
    Now adults have gotten into it and it has become darker. We didn’t have to worry about razor blades in apples. The latest matter of concern are drug laden blotters with a Halloween picture on them!
    The churches you discuss had the right idea. All our Christian holidays have pagan roots, the church took them over and changed them. Time to do that with this one!
    Baptize it!
    Thanks for sharing this great story.

    As always, Kirsti, you show a depth of wisdom rarely found today! Yes, you have identified the main source of all evil, the Devil! But, not the main proliferation of Satanism – human greed! This has happened to all of our festivities, from Nativity to Easter. Money can be made – huge amounts of it!
    The Christ Child has been overshadowed by Santa Claus and Rudolf, and the Crucifixion by the Easter Bunny! Commercialism rules!!!
    Many if not most people cannot resist the lure to party rather than pray!
    Someday, the “the tides may turn”. I prayerfully hope so!

    A good Monday morning to you, Kirsti. Your devotional brought out old memories, and as I am writing I’m listening to sounds from some weird things my daughter and son-in-law are putting out in the yard in “anticipation” of 5-600 to show up tomorrow night. That’s what we get every year and they are dropped off by truck loads. My thoughts go back to the early ’30s when Daddy was pastor in a very small town in the foot hills of Mount Rainier. That’s when the major depression hit and no one had a job but the pastor and there were a few coins in the offering. My memories are so vivid of how everyone shared.
    I’ll be out front to greet the children but I get upset when the grown ones show up with their big pillow cases. Kirsti, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts in your devotional today. May the Lord bless you real good.

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