Free From The Fowler's Snare

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
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Listen while you read: "Rise Up O Men Of God"1 (Lyrics)

Ecclesiastes 9:12 – Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so people are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them. (NIV 2011)

Psalm 124:7-8 – We have escaped like a bird from the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (NIV 2011)

Last month, a baby robin fell out of its nest in my backyard. I tried to put it back, but the tiny residence was overcrowded; there was simply no room. Fortunately, this bird was fully feathered and nearly ready to fly. In the meantime, I prayed for its safety on the ground and looked after it the best that I could; nevertheless, I was delighted to see that the mama bird continued to feed and care for it as I went about my daily yard work.

Once the birds had fledged, the excitement was gone. Then, days later, my husband spotted a young robin perched on our fig tree; it was restful and quietly stared at us as though we had gained its trust. The following day, we saw no sign of it except a pile of feathers underneath the branches. We assumed the worst — something bad must have happened to our little friend. Still, I kept hoping that there might be another explanation.

Within a few weeks, my husband was outside picking fruit, when to his surprise, there was our baby robin, about to be mistaken for a fig! Again, he calmly sat without flying away like it knew us personally. Was this just a coincidence, or was this the same bird letting us know that it was still alive? If so, how did it escape such a misfortune? Was it another bird that had been killed? Many such questions raced across my mind.

Pondering today's Scriptures, we, too, are like helpless birds, unaware that the enemy is watching from a distance, always setting up traps to ensnare us. Yet, no snare is strong enough to withstand the power of a loving, almighty God. Whatever struggles we face, He alone will break the net, deliver us from the fowler, and lead us onward to freedom. His only requirement is to place our trust in Him.

Prayer: (From Psalm 61:1-4 NASB) Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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About the author:

Lori Ciccanti <>
Ocean View, Delaware, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great words of comfort Lori.

    Thanks Lori!

    Hi Lori,
    Always receive a blessing from your writing. Thank you.

    What a beautiful story.
    God does indeed see the little sparrow fall, and we as well.

    Thanks Lori for sharing this devotional story with us. May our God continue to uplift us until we nestle beneath His wing like a robin tucked safely in the nest. Blessings.

    Hi Lori,
    Such good words of truth this morning and such a lovely story about a bird.

    Dear Lori.
    Thank you for a great and timely lesson. My young great-niece committed suicide recently, just one year older than my grandson. Alas, they were another bunch of people who I lost when I had cancer. She was a child that everyone loved. But I think she was alone a lot and lonely.

    Hi Lori!
    When I saw the title of the devotional my thought went to Psalm 91:3a
    For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler….
    What a delight to see your references. How wonderful to connect with a robin in the way you described.
    Be encouraged in your well-doing!

    Hi Lori,
    This devotional takes my thoughts to the different encounters I have had with robins over the years.
    They have always been my favourite bird being so cheery, singing and even enjoying the rain as they tell us to “cheer up”; and I remember being so happy as a kid when I saw my first robin
    Bless your writing and you as well.

    Thank you for your Devotional to-day! I am totally amazed! I did not know that you can grow figs in North America! I always thought they were only grown in Mediterranean countries.
    Thank you also for your message, as it has been proven to me so many times through my health trials. Jesus has never failed to hear me and heal me. We truly serve an awesome God.
    God Bless you in your ministry.
    (Northern Ontario)

    I must thank you, Lori for this most beautifully inspired devotional. The enemy knows my weakest point and the snare is always lurking. I am a born again Christian and have been since childhood. I am in my decline as far as being active in the church and have lost my voice to a great extent but I have such wonderful memories of the tender care He has given me and saved me from the fowler’s snare. God bless you for sharing this tender devotional with me and all of us who have been touched by it.
    (B.C. Canada)

    Hi Lori — I just read your devotional and I too feel like one of those helpless birds. I lost my husband a recently to cancer and now I have a lesion / mass that has shown up. The surgeon will be removing this mass and sending it away for testing. This has been overwhelming for me and I’m really struggling to remain positive and optimistic. I still believe that God has a plan for all of us but, I wish I could understand this better! I found comfort in the scripture and the words you wrote today – thank you so much! You never know in what way your words / actions may comfort and reassure someone (someone like me)!

    Thank you, Lori. What a beautiful devotion!

    Lori – I loved this devotional, and I am certain that the bird you saw twice, was the one that you watched over – just as the Lord watches over us. Thank you for this devotional.

    I kept this on my computer for a long time to reread the sweet thoughts. I, too, have saved a few little birds and also watch some that don’t make it! Yes, we are like those little helpless creatures — all part of His majesty and glory and depending on Him for our provision and protection!

    Lori – You and your husband are becoming tenders of our animal kingdom.
    This loving care is also evident in your dealings with the humans with whom you contact.
    May God continue to bless you in varied ways as you minister for Him.

    How often we tend to forget how precious life is, not only to ourselves and family, but to all of God’s creatures all around us. Its wonderful hearing stories like yours and during my 80 years of life, I too have had similar situations like yours. I hope your message is read many times and that readers will recognize the importance of treating all human beings like you and your husband have experienced.
    God Bless both of you.

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