Doing Good

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending"1 (Lyrics)

Galatians 6:9 – Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (NIV)

My parents loved the Lord, and they both used their gifts in service to others. For example, they would take homemade soup to hoboes, and when the orchard was ripe for picking, they would take apple pies to people who were in need. Many times, they were in need, too, but they knew how to fish, cure salmon, hunt for venison, and work the gardens. God always provided enough food for our family's needs, as well as for others. The help that they gave came from their hearts in love for others. My parents knew that God was using them for this special purpose, even through difficult circumstances. They set a good example for their children, and we also grew up with helpful hearts and hands.

Our hearts are still prepared to do God's service during this time of pandemic. Many Christians are heartened when they discover their spiritual gifts and talents to serve one another during these stressful days. Times are different, but we can still set a good example for our own children so that they can also grow up with helpful hearts. During this time of wearing masks in public, washing our hands many times a day, and social distancing, we don't need to be discouraged. We can rethink our gifts and talents and pray that God will provide each of us with opportunities to have a serving heart. We stay encouraged by thinking of ways that God will give us to encourage others. We just need to be more creative and to listen to the Holy Spirit's promptings.

In these more perilous times, I think of the children. There is much instability in plans for them to return to school. I am phoning my young great-grandchildren and encouraging them by telephone calls with mini-lessons. Soon, we will be doing video chats. They want to invite their little friends. See what God can do? For a month following my mother's death, I posted photos and comments about her life. Instead of an in-person funeral and memorial, the family decided to do a virtual memorial. Eighty-five participants joined in during the month, amid this time of isolation. The virtual celebration has brought so many reconnections and so much joy.

Can you think of a way that you can use your gifts and talents to serve long-distance? Everyone is unique, and God's creativity is unlimited. Let us pray, and catch the breath of God's reply.

Prayer: Dear Lord, gently guide our pathways to service during this difficult time. Shine Your love-light of ideas to help us to serve others in new ways. May those receiving our good deeds see Your light of salvation. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    A good reminder, Karen.

    Thank you, Karen, that was very timely, motivating, and encouraging.

    Thanks for your inspiration! Little is much when God is in it! Bless your giving heart,

    Dear Karen.
    Wow! What an inspirational message. Thank you for giving me a fresh insight to begin this God-Given day!

    Hi Karen:
    How blessed you were to have fine teachers in your parents as you grew!

    Hello Karen, what a thoughtful devotional to remind us to have the heart of a servant in all that we do. Good work interacting with your great-grandchildren and have fun doing the video chats, that is how we stay connected with our extended family.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Dear Karen,
    Thank you for the encouragement. I am sorry for the loss of your mother at this time, but appreciate you sharing your inventive ways to celebrate your mother’s life with others. I am sure your great grandchildren are blessed to have you encouraging them. May you have a blessed day.

    I totally thank you for writing/sharing this!!!! It’s so encouraging to learn what the Holy Spirit is doing, and I give thanks to God for your continued long life (even after we want to pack it in and just go be with God.
    I pray to get more disciplined and obedient, helping others (especially my family) to experience His Love and get Home to Him.

    Good morning Karen. Just read your devotional. Praise be to God for the gifts he has given us.
    My mother-in-law died from COVID in July in a long-term residence. I am very interested in the technology you used for your Mom’s virtual memorial. I would appreciate hearing about it.
    (QC, CANADA)

    Good morning Karen,
    My sympathies to you in the loss of your Mom especially at this time when the memorial had to be done in a different way. However, it sounds like you chose a good way to connect with others. You have given very good advice in your devotional today; about the path we must take during this pandemic time. Now, more than ever we need be kind and radiate God’s love to others by being helpful.

    Wonderful advice.
    The best way to get rid of the viral blahs!

    Thank you, Karen, for this loving reminder of your parents’ example in sharing God’s love in practical ways. Likewise, my parents and grandparents did the same. Blessings.

    Thanks for this beautiful devotional. God bless Karen.
    Yes, We must bless others with our gifts and keep helping those in need.
    Thanks again.

    Thank you, Karen, for the devotional
    I especially appreciated what you said about rethinking our gifts and talents and having a serving heart.
    Thank you for this important reminder.
    Keep writing.

    Dear Karen, Thank you for the amazing devotional today. It really hit home during this pandemic for me to help those in need. Even if it is just picking something up at the store for them or walking to get their mail because they use a walker. I will continue to ask Jesus to use me any way I can.
    Thanks again.
    (Ontario Canada)

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