Part Of The Crew

Saturday, September 26, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

1 Corinthians 12:7-12 – To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses. For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. (NRSV)

I love sailing, and I love racing. We have dedicated positions as part of the crew. I am on the mainsail. Others can be found in the cockpit around me, others are at the mast, while still others are responsible for the bow, and of course, the captain is at the helm. All of us have our jobs to do. In a race, we often find ourselves helping with another position and then returning to our main responsibility. We all do what needs to be done in order to get the most out of the boat.

In the life of the church, we are gifted with talents to be used for the common good of all. Some of the gifts seem to be more important than others, but it takes all of the gifts, working together, to ensure that the church is, and becomes, everything that it is meant to be. This is what it means to be the body (the crew!) of Christ, with Christ at the helm.

The crew is ready for each and every race, prepared to use their gifts and talents, asking that others do the same, as together, we complete the course.

Prayer: God, we thank You that Your Spirit has gifted us with exactly what is needed for the work of Your church and the mission of Christ. We thank You that we are part of the church and crucial for the mission entrusted to us, working together in harmony to do the things that we are called to do. May Your blessing be on us today as we take our positions and prepare for the race before us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Kenn Stright <>
West Petpeswick, Nova Scotia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    So true! Great message Kenn.

    So true Kenn.

    Thanks, Kenn, for the words of encouragement.

    Thank you Kenn for an excellent devotional with an excellent analogy.

    Thank you, Kenneth. Churches would definitely grow if all used their gifts.

    Beautifully written and straight to the point! Thanks for sharing and keeping our eyes on the prize.

    Thank you for your devotional. I miss the boating and the sea. I was born and raised in Newfoundland.

    Encouraging words.
    It seems most people go in their own boat, their own way and do not worry about trying to pull together.

    Thank you Kenn, for today’s devotion.
    I enjoyed it and it keeps me thinking how much each of us contribute to his glory and his kingdom is needed.
    Keep up the faith,

    Dear Ken, Thanks for this encouraging reminder that our work with others in the church is important and has a place in the body of Christ. Sometimes it is easy to forget that what we are specifically called to do is important for the whole to be effective. Always glad to see your name on a devotional.

    Dear Kenn,
    Thank you for the reminder that no matter what we have been given through the Spirit, it has an important part in the life of the church. The example of your sailing crew helps to make it very clear. May you use your Spirit as intended. May you have a blessed day.

    Hello Kenn,
    Thank you for this thoughtful devotional. Yes, we each have a definite role in doing the work of Christ in our daily life. We must follow His guidance and show others the same love and care we receive from Him.

    Good morning
    Read your devotional this morning.
    One word in your prayer struck a chord…we are called and CRUCIAL to the mission as God has entrusted us with.
    Never thought of myself as crucial to anything.
    Part of the crew. Yes.
    An equal partner. Yes.
    On the same team. Yes, … but never crucial.
    It leaves me in awe that God might consider me anything more than a servant trying to do the job.
    Thanks for the wake up call!

    Hi Kenn,
    Thank you for your lovely devotional on how we all have gifts and talents and contribute them to be one body in Christ’s church.

    Thank you, Ken.
    Especially during this COVID times it has really brought people together and shown us that we all have jobs to do, especially in the church in sharing God’s word and love.
    Many years ago I became an Elder. As part of my job I attend presbytery meeting which though technology I was able to do from home this year. Also, we were able to share services.
    Your devotion yesterday really outlines that we all have a job to do whether it’s just being kind, pray for one another or taking on greater responsibilities so all our flocks are united in Christ.

    Hi Kenn. As soon as I started reading this, I knew it was yours.
    Wonderful message.

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