Thinking About Money

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
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Listen while you read: "Soldiers Of Christ Arise"1 (Lyrics)

Malachi 3:10 – "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." (NIV)

My relationship with money has always been complicated.

We were always short of funds when I was a child, and when my father died, leaving no insurance, we depended on government assistance until I was old enough to get a job to help support myself and my mother.

I always took jobs I wanted that didn't pay very well. Over the years, I started to become financially secure. This, I believe, was linked to the fact that the Lord often prompted me to help someone financially, even though I didn't have much. The first time was paying the registration fee for someone who wanted to go to a young people's conference that I was planning to attend.

This continued over the years until I felt called to leave my job as an editor with the church, work in the community, and be self-employed — with no paycheque. Very scary! I started a consulting business. Not only was I swamped with clients, but also to my astonishment, I lost my lifelong fear of both public speaking and singing solos. I came to love doing both.

The Lord continued to present situations where I was told to give financial assistance, including loans, sometimes not returned. When that happened, He made it up in some other way.

Most frequently, He sent people across my path who gave me financial knowledge. I learned about investing and was guided to a wonderful financial advisor. My mortgage was paid off through the advice and help of another.

I eventually started a newspaper. That brought more financial challenges, and still does. The prompts still come, and so does the help. If I tell the Lord, "Not now; I am really short of money," the prompts just get stronger! Giving when money is tight somehow helps to unblock the flow.

This is my story. I am sharing it for two reasons. Many people are facing financial stress. So are churches, which find that with people worshipping virtually and not in the pews, giving is drying up.

Others must also be having these experiences. Is the Lord attempting to reach out to you? Is He asking you to look at money in a new way? Are churches being challenged, too? What about tithing? Teaching about stewardship?

I don't have answers. I can only share my experience and encourage you to look within. Is the Spirit speaking to you in some way about money?

Prayer: Lord, we are indeed worried about money. In this time of the pandemic, we have fears about being able to pay the bills. We ask for Your wisdom and guidance about finances, and the ability to hear and follow Your will. In the name of Christ, we ask this. Amen.

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About the author:

Valerie Dunn

1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Thanks for the encouragement, Val.

    Thanks, Valerie. This is good counsel. It has worked for me as well.

    Great post especially in these difficult times, Valerie! Thanks for the reminder and God bless!

    Thank you, Valerie, for your devotional today. WELL SAID!
    (Texas, USA)

    Amen Val! Well said. I share a number of your personal experiences. Giving as God calls always brings blessing.

    Valerie, you have come a long way at the Lord’s invitation well done.
    Money always a topic everyone can relate to.

    You are so right! Money and giving are two very complicated topics in most of our lives. “Trust and obey” comes to mind. Good song. Thanks.

    Hello Valerie,
    I appreciated your devotional so much today. I have known of you for many, many years but never knew your story. May your generous and responsive lifestyle continue to be blessed and appreciated.

    Greetings Valerie,
    Thank you for writing this thoughtful devotional today. Money definitely can be a priority in life, and it is a great help if we listen to the Lord’s promptings and follow His plan on how to best to assist others.
    Blessings as you continue to find diverse ways of assisting people.

    Amen Valerie.
    Thanks for sharing, and may our pockets never run dry in Jesus name.

    Dear Valerie,
    Thank you for a very practical and “where-it-is-needed” devotional.
    I pray, “Dear God, Teach us how to use money. please.”
    And dear God, teach us to pray for others’ needs as well as our own.
    Teach us to be kind and loving with our money, talents, abilities –for our whole lives. for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

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